Payment Link API Docs
Payment Link - API Reference
Payment Link API is still in BETA phase. But is currently usable on Midtrans Production & Sandbox environment. Feel free to contact our Support Team (or your Midtrans' Sales Account Manager) to share your feedback or question.
You can visit general overview of Payment Link API, in case you haven't.
Integration Overview
- Merchant's backend sends request to Create Payment Link API, in order to retrieve payment URL.
- Share the payment URL to Customer (e.g. via system, messaging app, or Midtrans automated email), and then wait for them to proceed to payment.
- Merchant gets notified of payment status changes & handles accordingly.
Merchant can also use other API endpoints to manage Payment Link. For example to read/delete Payment Link as needed.
API Reference
The followings reference will explain the Payment Link API.
Environment | API Host Base URL |
Sandbox | |
Production | |
*Learn more about what is Sandbox Environment.
Create Payment Link API
Merchant sends HTTP API request with the desired transaction details to this endpoint, and will get API response mainly with the Payment Link URL. The URL then should be shared to & opened by Customer, to initiates payment.
Endpoints: /v1/payment-links
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic AUTH_STRING
value is result of Base64Encode("YourServerKey"+":"
Midtrans API validates HTTP request by using Basic Authentication method. The username is your Server Key while the password is empty. The authorization header value is represented by AUTH_STRING. AUTH_STRING is base-64 encoded string of your username and password separated by colon symbol (:). For more details, refer to API Authorization and Headers.
Request Body
"transaction_details": {
"order_id": "001",
"gross_amount": 190000,
"payment_link_id": "for-payment-123"
"customer_required": true,
"credit_card": {
"secure": true,
"bank": "bca",
"installment": {
"required": false,
"terms": {
"bni": [3, 6, 12],
"mandiri": [3, 6, 12],
"cimb": [3],
"bca": [3, 6, 12],
"offline": [6, 12]
"usage_limit": 1,
"expiry": {
"start_time": "2022-04-01 18:00 +0700",
"duration": 20,
"unit": "days"
"enabled_payments": [
"item_details": [
"id": "pil-001",
"name": "Pillow",
"price": 95000,
"quantity": 2,
"brand": "Midtrans",
"category": "Furniture",
"merchant_name": "PT. Midtrans"
"customer_details": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "+62181000000000",
"notes": "Thank you for your purchase. Please follow the instructions to pay."
"custom_field1": "custom field 1 content",
"custom_field2": "custom field 2 content",
"custom_field3": "custom field 3 content"
Request JSON Body Details
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
transaction_details | required | Object | Specific information regarding the transaction. |
customer_required | optional | Boolean | If set as True, Payment Link will prompt user to fill in customer details (name, phone and email) before customer can proceed to pay |
customer_details | optional | Object | Specific information regarding the customer. Note: If Merchant sends customer_detail’s email on the request, Midtrans will send the created Payment Link url to the customer’s email. |
item_details | optional | Object | Details of the purchased items. Will be shown to customer during payment and shown in Midtrans Dashboard. |
usage_limit | optional | integer | Maximum number of allowed successful/paid transactions. Note: Each successful/paid payment will consume a "usage" quota. A pending payment (payment attempted, but still waiting for Customer to make payment e.g. waiting Bank Transfer, Gopay, QRIS, etc.) will temporarily hold a usage quota, but if it is abandoned/left-unpaid (becomes expire ) it will release the usage quota back. |
expiry | optional | Object | Customizable transaction lifetime. Once the duration exceeded, the link will no longer be available. |
enabled_payments | optional | Array | Customizable list of payment methods that will be shown during payment. If not specified, by default all active payment methods are shown. Options: credit_card, gopay, cimb_clicks, bca_klikbca, bca_klikpay, bri_epay, telkomsel_cash, echannel, permata_va, other_va, bca_va, bni_va, bri_va, indomaret, danamon_online, akulaku, shopeepay. |
custom_field1 | optional | String(255) | Retrievable custom text that you can pass to Midtrans on field 1. Wil be shown in Midtrans Dashboard, & sent on HTTP Notification. |
custom_field2 | optional | String(255) | Retrievable custom text that you can pass to Midtrans on field 2. Wil be shown in Midtrans Dashboard, & sent on HTTP Notification. |
custom_field3 | optional | String(255) | Retrievable custom text that you can pass to Midtrans on field 3. Wil be shown in Midtrans Dashboard, & sent on HTTP Notification. |
credit_card | optional | Object | Credit card payment options. |
bni_va | optional | Object | Customizable Virtual Account number & options for BNI VA. |
permata_va | optional | Object | Customizable Virtual Account number & options for Permata VA. |
bca_va | optional | Object | Customizable Virtual Account number & options for BCA VA. |
bri_va | optional | Object | Customizable Virtual Account number & options for BRI VA. |
transaction_details object
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
order_id | required | String(50) | Unique transaction ID. A single ID could be used only once by a Merchant. Allowed Symbols are dash(-), underscore(_), tilde (~), and dot (.). |
gross_amount | required | Integer | Total payment amount Customer expected to pay. Note: The Sum of Subtotal (item price multiplied by quantity) of all the item details needs to be exactly the same as the gross_amount inside transaction_details object. |
payment_link_id | optional | String(50) | Unique Link ID that will be used as part of the resulting payment URL. A single ID could be used only once. Allowed characters are alphanumeric [a-z, 0-9] and hyphens [-]. Note: By default auto generated by midtrans. |
credit_card object
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
secure | optional | Boolean | Specify whether 3D-Secure authentication should be used for Card payment method. Note: It is recommended to specify true for most cases. Default: false. |
bank | optional | String | Specify which acquiring bank is preferred for Card payment method. If not specified, Midtrans will auto determine accordingly. It is recommended to not specify it. Options: bca, bni, mandiri, cimb, bri, danamon, maybank, mega. |
channel | optional | String | Specify which acquiring channel is preferred for Card payment method's acquiring bank. If not specified, Midtrans will auto determine accordingly. It is recommended to not specify it. Options: migs |
type | optional | String | Card payment transaction type. It is recommended to not specify it. Options: authorize, authorize_capture Default: authorize_capture |
whitelist_bins | optional | Array | Specify list of card BIN numbers that will be allowed to pay. The BIN value can be either a prefix(up to 8 digits) of card number or the name of a bank, in which case all the cards issued by that bank will be allowed. |
installment.required | optional | Boolean | Specify whether Customer is required to pay with installment for card payment method, if installment feature is enabled. It is recommended to not specify it. Default: false |
installment.terms | optional | Object | Specify list of allowed installment terms, if installment feature is enabled. It is recommended to not specify it. |
expiry object
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
start_time | optional | String Timestamp in yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z format |
Timestamp of when the expiry period should start. If not specified, transaction time will be used as start time when payment link is created |
duration | required | Integer | Expiry duration value. |
unit | required | String | Expiry duration unit. Options: day, hour, minute. |
item_details object
The value of these parameters will be specified by Merchant (not Midtrans).
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
id | optional | String | Item ID. |
price | required | Integer | Price of the item. NOTE: Don’t add decimal. |
quantity | required | Integer | Quantity of the item. NOTE: Must be greater than or equal 1. |
name | required | String(50) | Name of the item. |
brand | optional | String(50) | Brand of the item. |
category | optional | String(50) | Category of the item. |
merchant_name | optional | String(50) | Merchant selling the item. Useful if you have multiple sub-merchants within your commerce platform. |
customer_details object
The value of these parameters will be specified by Merchant (not Midtrans).
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
first_name | required | String(50) | Customer's first name. |
last_name | optional | String(50) | Customer's last name. |
required | String(50) | Customer's email address. | |
phone | required | String(20) | Customer's phone number. |
notes | optional | String(255) | Customizable email instructions. |
bca_va object
BCA Virtual Account Object
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
va_number | optional | String(11) | Custom Virtual Account Number. |
bni_va object
BNI Virtual Account Object
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
va_number | optional | String(8) | Custom Virtual Account Number. |
permata_va object
Permata Virtual Account Object
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
va_number | optional | String(10) | Custom Virtual Account Number. |
bri_va object
BRI Virtual Account Object
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
va_number | optional | String(13) | Custom Virtual Account Number. |
Request Sample
Sample Request including Headers & Body.
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic U0ItTWlkLXNlcnZlci1UT3ExYTJBVnVpeWhoT2p2ZnMzVV7LZU87' \
--data-raw '{
"transaction_details": {
"order_id": "concert-ticket-05",
"gross_amount": 190000,
"payment_link_id": "amazing-ticket-payment-123"
"credit_card": {
"secure": true
"usage_limit": 5,
"expiry": {
"duration": 30,
"unit": "days"
"item_details": [
"id": "tix-001",
"name": "Exclusive Tour Concert Day 1",
"price": 95000,
"quantity": 2
"customer_details": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone": "+62181000000000",
"notes": "Thank you for your order. Please follow the instructions to complete payment."
For successful response you will receive HTTP status code 2xx
as a response. For failure response you may receive HTTP status code 4xx
or 5xx
Sample Success Response
HTTP Status Code: 200
"order_id": "concert-ticket-05",
"payment_url": ""
Sample Failure Response
HTTP Status Code: 409
"error_messages": [
"The Order ID 'order-123' has been taken"
HTTP Status Code: 401
"error_messages": "Access denied due to unauthorized request"
HTTP Status Code: 400
"error_messages": [
"Invalid JSON data provided.",
"This Payment Link ID 'payment-112' has been taken",
"payment_link_id must only contain alphanumeric characters [a-z, 0-9] and hyphens [-]"
Response JSON Body Details
Property | Descriptions |
order_id | Merchant’s Order ID |
payment_url | The resulting payment url to share with Customer. |
error_messages | The message describing the error, if any error encountered. |
Response properties are conditional, depending on whether the API response is success or failure. E.g. error_messages may only exists on failure response.
HTTP Status Code
Status Code | Descriptions |
200 | Request is successful |
409 | Duplicate order ID. Order ID has already been utilized previously |
401 | Access denied due to unauthorized request |
400 | Validation Error / Invalid JSON |
500 | Internal Server Error |
Updated over 1 year ago