Is there a minimum and maximum transaction value that I can charge with Midtrans?
Each payment provider has its respective limitations.
Payment Method | Acquiring Bank | Minimum Amount (IDR) | Maximum Amount (IDR) as acquirer (Midtrans) |
Credit Card | BNI, CIMB, Mendiri, Mega, BRI, BCA, Maybank | 10,000 | 999,999,999 |
Bank Transfer | Mandiri Bill | 1 | 50,000,000,000 |
BCA | 10,000 | 20,000,000,000 | |
BRI | 1 | 20,000,000,000 | |
Permata | 1 | 9,999,999,999 | |
BNI | 1 | No limitation | |
CIMB | 1 | 250,000,000 | |
e-Wallet | Gopay | 1 | 20,000,000 (verified user) 2,000,000 (non verified user) |
Shopeepay | 1 | 20,000,000 (verified user) 2,000,000 (non verified user) | |
Link Aja | 1 | 20,000,000 (verified user) 2,000,000 (non verified user) | |
Qris | All | 1 | 10,000,000 |
Over The Counter | Alfamart | 10,000 | 5,000,000 (cashless) 2,500,000 (cash) |
Indomaret | 10,000 | 5,000,000 | |
Cardless Credit | Akulaku | 5,000 | No limitation |
Kredivo | 1 (pay in 30 days) | Depends on the user's credit limit | |
500,000 (installment 3, 6, & 12 month) |
Disclaimer ⚠️
The maximum amount shown in the table above refers to the limit on the acquirer side. However, please note there may be different maximum amount limitations on the issuer side, which are outside of Midtrans' control.
Customers should check each of their payment providers' maximum amount limits for their account type, as the limit may be lower than the acquirer limit.
Note 📝
Amount in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR).
If the transaction you want to process exceeds the existing amount, please divide it into several order IDs, so they can be processed.
Updated 8 months ago