Can I receive payments using other currency than IDR?
You can sell products using other currencies (other than IDR) however, you should convert the amount to IDR first before sending a payment/charge request to Midtrans’ system. In lieu of Bank Indonesia’s regulation, Midtrans currently only processes transactions in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR).
The conversion process needs to be carried out at the time of customer checkout on your website/application - it is recommended that you display the exchange rate conversion to the customer to avoid disputes due to differences in exchange rate conversion expectations in the future. Make sure the transaction value you sent on the charge request at Midtrans is already in IDR.
For card payments, if the card issuer is from outside Indonesia, the principal bank (VISA/MasterCard) already supports foreign currencies (e.g., card issuer USD, card acquiring IDR).
Updated about 1 year ago