How can I add new email accounts to the Merchant Administration Portal?
In the Midtrans portal (Merchant Administration Portal), do these steps below:
Open the Account > User Management menu, in the Create New User section, fill in the Name and Email Address the check the Activate Account.
Choose the user role, then click Create User.
Activate that user by clicking the link that is sent to that email.
Notes 📝
The process above can only be done by the user that role is Admin.
After clicking the link sent by email, the user will be redirected to a page that has to be filled in. Please fill in the Telephone, Password, and Password Confirmation fields then click Sign Up.
The new account has been created successfully and can be used for login.
Notes 📝
Please ensure the telephone number is never used in the other Midtrans accounts.
Updated about 1 year ago