FAQ: Redirection to Gojek / GoPay app


GoPay deeplink redirection to GoPay app only

With the launch of GoPay standalone app, starting from March 2025, user will be redirected to GoPay app only to complete their payment on GoPay deeplink flow. This GoPay deeplink new redirection flow will be gradually rolled out to merchants.

GoPay Tokenization flow will remain the same (will be redirected to Gojek and GoPay app).

How will this impact the user experience?

  1. By default user will be redirected to GoPay app if the app is installed.
  2. If GoPay app is not installed (even with Gojek app), user will see GoPay webpage and asked to download GoPay app from the play store or app store.
  3. After downloading the app, user can continue to complete payment.

How can merchant support this flow?

Just like the previous Gojek and GoPay app redirection flow, merchant just need to ensure that they have done these 3 items below:

What merchants need to do
1. Merchant should ensure that they can support redirection URL in universal link format to be able to be redirected to GoPay / Gojek app
2. In case merchants have whitelisting in place, merchants should whitelist gopay.co.id/*. Please ensure that the existing URLs are also kept whitelisted on merchants' side.
3. In case merchants have webview implementation, merchant should ensure that the webview redirection is not blocked by Android/iOS platform. Fore more details on how to do this please read this FAQ page: Android | iOS

On GoPay deeplink, GoPay Tokenization linking, and some GoPay Tokenization transactions (the ones that require PIN challenge), users will be redirected to Gojek or GoPay app to input their GoPay PIN. Previously (before August 2023), users will only be redirected to Gojek app. However, GoPay has launched GoPay standalone app since August 2023. With the launch of GoPay standalone app, there are few changes on the payment experience as per detailed below:

User flowBefore August 2023August 2023 - February 2025After March 2025
User has Gojek and GoPay appRedirected to Gojek appRedirected to GoPay appRedirected to GoPay app
User has GoPay app onlyRedirected to download Gojek appRedirected to GoPay appRedirected to GoPay app
User has Gojek app onlyRedirected to Gojek appRedirected to Gojek appRedirected to download GoPay app*

*applicable for newly onboarded merchants and gradually for existing merchants
User doesn't have any appRedirected to download Gojek appRedirected to download either Gojek or GoPay appRedirected to download GoPay app*

*applicable for newly onboarded merchants and gradually for existing merchants

How will this impact the user experience?

Previously, by default users will be redirected to Gojek app to complete linking and payments. Now with the launch of GoPay app, users who have GoPay App will be automatically redirected to GoPay app.

  1. By default, users will be redirected to GoPay app if the app is installed

  2. If GoPay app is not installed, users will be redirected to Gojek app if Gojek app is installed on user's phone

  3. If Gojek app is not installed, user will see the Gojek webpage and user can choose which app (Gojek/GoPay) they want to use to continue the linking/payment

  4. User need to click the CTA button to be redirected to Gojek/GoPay app play store / app store

  5. Once user downloaded Gojek/GoPay app, user can continue linking/payment


Post March 2025, gradually all users will be redirected to complete payment on the GoPay app only. Refer to the top section of this page.

How can merchants support this flow?

We will gradually roll out this new flow to merchants starting July 26th 2023. With the rollout, we will be returning a new link for redirection as follows:

To support the new flow, merchants need to do the following items:

What merchants need to do
1. Merchant should ensure that they can support redirection URL in universal link format to be able to be redirected to GoPay / Gojek app
2. In case merchants have whitelisting in place, merchants should whitelist gopay.co.id/*. Please ensure that the existing URLs are also kept whitelisted on merchants' side.
3. In case merchants have webview implementation, merchant should ensure that the webview redirection is not blocked by Android/iOS platform. Fore more details on how to do this please read this FAQ page: Android | iOS

For more information on GoPay redirection, please read our technical FAQ page or directly contact your Midtrans Sales representative so we can assist you further.