Merchants Migration & Backward Compatibality

When migrating transactional API to BI-SNAP-based Core API, these are a few things that merchants need to take note of.

Transactional API Migration

When migrating transactional API to BI-SNAP-based Core API, these are a few things that merchants need to take note of:

  1. Transaction that is created on legacy API cannot be processed on BI-SNAP-based API. For example, transaction_id or order_id that is created on legacy API, cannot be used in any BI-SNAP-based API including status, cancel and refund API.
  2. Transaction that is created on BI-SNAP-based API will be able to be processed on legacy API, by adding an extra header value (transaction-source header with value SNAP_API). This header can be used on status API, cancel API, refund API, and capture API.

Sample scenario:

Given that a transaction is created using BI-SNAP-based API, the transaction can be refunded using legacy API in 2 ways:

  • Refund with transaction_id: pass referenceNo value (from SNAP-based API) as transaction_id and add transaction-source: SNAP_API on the refund request header in legacy API.
  • Refund with order_id: pass X-EXTERNAL-ID value (from SNAP-based API) as order_id and add transaction-source: SNAP_API on the refund request header in legacy API.

Account API Migration

  1. Once moved to BI-SNAP-based Core API, merchant doesn't need to re-initiate linking to an already linked GoPay account. But instead, merchant will need to exchange the account_id (provided from linking process in legacy API) with authorization-customer token by calling BI-SNAP-based Binding Inquiry API.
  2. Linking that is created on BI-SNAP-based API can be used on transaction API in the legacy flow by adding transaction-source: SNAP_API on the request header. Transaction API here are Charge API, Capture API, Refund API, Get Status API and Cancel API.

Notification API Migration

  1. If a transaction is created using the BI-SNAP-based API, Midtrans will send all notifications related to that transaction using the BI-SNAP-based API specification.
  2. In case merchant decided to roll back to legacy flow, all transaction notifications will still use BI-SNAP-based API specification.