Refund API

Initiating refund for GoPay and GoPay Tokenization (non Pre-Auth) transaction

This section will describe how a merchant can initiate refunds for GoPay and GoPay Tokenization (non-Pre Auth) transactions.

SNAP Service Code58

Request Header

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
Content-type String M Media type of the resource, i.e. application/json
X-TIMESTAMP String M Client’s current local time in ISO-8601 format
X-SIGNATURE String M Created using symmetric signature HMAC_SHA512 algorithm
Authorization String M Represents access_token of a request; string starts with keyword “Bearer ” followed by access_token. Can get this token from Access Token B2B API response.
X-PARTNER-ID String M Unique identifier for caller

Alphanumeric string. We suggest merchant to use UUID format. The value should be unique.
In case of timeout, merchant can do:

  1. Use this value in get status API to get status transaction or

  2. Retry this request with the same X-EXTERNAL-ID and request body to avoid creating duplicate transaction

CHANNEL-ID String M Mandatory field from Bank Indonesia that can take any value with correct format 5 digits numeric string
X-SIGNATURE: da1fa417c72d6b91c257e01e54fac824
Authorization: Bearer gp9HjjEj813Y9JGoqwOeOPWbnt4CupvIJbU1Mmu4a11MNDZ7Sg5u9a

Request Body

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
originalExternalId String (36) C If merchant got a timeout when calling charge API (POST /v1.0/debit/payment-host-to-host), merchant can pass the value of X-EXTERNAL-ID in the charge API request header as originalExternalId.

Note: Either originalExternalId or OriginalReferenceNo need to be passed in refund request.

partnerRefundNo String(64) M Unique identifier of refund transaction generated by merchant.

If not passed then Midtrans creates a new one. It is recommended to use this parameter to avoid double refund attempts. Allowed characters are alphabets, numbers, dash (-), and underscore (_).

originalPartnerReferenceNo String(64) M Transaction identifier on merchant side (merchant's order id).
originalReferenceNo String(64) C Transaction identifier on service provider system. For e.g: GopayOrderId

Note: Either originalExternalId or OriginalReferenceNo need to be passed. If both fields have value, will use originalReferenceNo as the main identifier.

refundAmount Object O refundAmount object, if amount not set, system will treat as full refund request.
refundAmount.value String (16,2) O Net amount of the refund. If it's IDR then the value includes 2 decimal digits.

e.g. IDR 10.000 will be placed with 10000.00

refundAmount.currency String (2) O Currency.
reason String (256) O Reason for the refund. For Gopay transaction, this field will be shown on Gopay Order History
additionalInfo Object O Additional Information
additionalInfo.paymentProviderMetadata Object O

Object containing the payment provider’s metadata parameter. This is used whenever merchant needs to pass additional information to payment provider.

In the case of GoPay Later Multi Month, merchant needs to pass the required risk data information as agreed with GoPay Later team.

    "originalExternalId": "merchant-x-external-id",
    "partnerRefundNo" : "merchant-refund-no",
    "originalReferenceNo" : "gopay-order-id",
     "refundAmount" : {
   "reason" : "some-reason"
   "additionalInfo": {
   		"paymentProviderMetadata": {
      	"subOrders*": [
					"subOrderId*": string,
					"quantity*": int,
					"amount*": long

Response Header

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
Content-type String M Media type of the resource, i.e. application/json
X-TIMESTAMP String M Client’s current local time in ISO-8601 format
Content-type: application/json
X-TIMESTAMP: 2024-03-19T14:30:00+07:00

Response Body

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
responseCode String (7) M Response code
responseMessage String (150) M Response description
originalReferenceNo String (256) M Transaction identifier on service provider system. For e.g: GopayOrderId
refundNo String(64) M Gopay refund number
partnerRefundNo String(64) M Unique identifier of refund transaction generated by merchant.

Merchant refund ID. If not passed then Midtrans creates a new one. It is recommended to use this parameter to avoid double refund attempts. Allowed characters are alphabets, numbers, dash (-), and underscore (_).

refundAmount Object O refundAmount object
refundAmount.value String (ISO 4217) (16,2) O Net amount of the refund. If it's IDR then the value includes 2 decimal digits.

e.g. IDR 10.000,- will be placed with 10000.00

refundAmount.currency String (2) O Currency.
refundTime String(25) M Refund time. ISO 8601
   "responseMessage":"Request has been processed successfully",
   "originalReferenceNo": "2020102977770000000009",
   "refundAmount" : {
   "refundTime" : "2023-07-03T10:36:17+07:00"

List of Response code

Response Code HTTP Status Code Response Message
2005800 200 Success
4005802 400 Invalid Mandatory Field
4015800 401 Unauthorized.
4015801 401 Invalid Token (B2B)
4035802 403 Exceeds Transaction Amount Limit
4035814 403 Insufficient Funds
4035815 403 Transaction Not Permitted.[reason].
4045801 404 Transaction Not Found
5005801 500 Internal Server Error
5045800 504 Timeout

Initiating refund for GoPay QRIS transaction

This section will describe how a merchant can initiate refunds for GoPay QRIS transactions.

SNAP Service Code78

Request Header

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
Content-type String M Media type of the resource, i.e. application/json
X-TIMESTAMP String M Client’s current local time in ISO-8601 format

Airpay Shopee accepts refund only at 06:00 to 23:55 GMT+7

X-SIGNATURE String M Created using symmetric signature HMAC_SHA512 algorithm
Authorization String M Represents access_token of a request; string starts with keyword “Bearer ” followed by access_token. Can get this token from Access Token B2B response.
X-PARTNER-ID String M Unique identifier for caller

Alphanumeric string. We suggest merchant to use UUID format. The value should be unique.
In case of timeout, merchant can do:

  1. Use this value in get status API to get status transaction or
  2. Retry this request with the same X-EXTERNAL-ID and request body to avoid creating duplicate transaction

The value should also be the same as request_body.partnerRefundNo

CHANNEL-ID String M Mandatory field from Bank Indonesia that can take any value with correct format 5 digits numeric string
Authorization:Bearer gp9HjjEj813Y9JGoqwOeOPWbnt4CupvIJbU1Mmu4a11MNDZ7Sg5u9a

Request Body

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
merchantId String (64) M Merchant identifier that is unique per each merchant.
subMerchantId String(32) O Sub merchant ID

externalStoreId String(64) C External store ID
originalPartnerReferenceNo String(64) M Transaction identifier on service consumer system. For e.g : MerchantOrderId
originalReferenceNo String(64) O Transaction identifier on service provider system. For e.g: GopayOrderId

*either originalExternalId or OriginalReferenceNo need to be filled

If both fields have value, will use originalReferenceNo as the main identifier.

originalExternalId String(32) O Original customer reference number
partnerRefundNo String(64) M ReferenceNumber from PJP AIS for the refund.
This value should be filled with the same value as X-EXTERNAL-ID
refundAmount Object O refundAmount object, if amount not set, system will treat as full refund request.
refundAmount.value String (16,2) O Net amount of the refund. If it's IDR then the value includes 2 decimal digits.

e.g. IDR 10.000,- will be placed with 10000.00.

Airpay Shopee only supports full refund

refundAmount.currency String (2) O Currency.
reason String (256) O Reason for the refund.
additionalInfo Object O Additional Information if merchant’s need to pass.
   "reason":"Customer complain",

Response Header

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
Content-type String M Media type of the resource, i.e. application/json
X-TIMESTAMP String M Client’s current local time in ISO-8601 format

Response Body

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
responseCode String (7) M Response code
responseMessage String(150) M Response description
originalPartnerReferenceNo String(64) O Original transaction identifier on service consumer system
originalReferenceNo String(64) C Original transaction identifier on service provider system
originalExternalId String(32) O Original customer reference number
referenceNo String(64) M referenceNumber
refundAmount Object O refundAmount object
refundAmount.value String (ISO 4217) (16,2) O Net amount of the refund. If it's IDR then the value includes 2 decimal digits.

e.g. IDR 10.000,- will be placed with 10000.00

refundAmount.currency String (2) O Currency.
partnerRefundNo String(64) M Unique identifier of refund transaction generated by client.

Merchant refund ID. If not passed then Midtrans creates a new one. It is recommended to use this parameter to avoid double refund attempts. Allowed characters are alphabets, numbers, dash (-), and underscore (_).

refundTime String(25) M Refund time. ISO 8601
additionalInfo Object O Additional Information if merchant’s need to pass.
   "responseMessage":"Request has been processed successfully",

List of Response code

Response Code HTTP Status Code Response Message
2007800 200 Success
4037814 403 Insufficient Funds
4047800 404 Invalid Transaction Status
4047801 404 Transaction Not Found
4037802 403 Exceeds Transaction Amount Limit
4097801 409 Duplicate Transaction
4057801 405 Requested Operation Is Not Allowed
5007801 500 Internal Server Error
5047800 504 Timeout

Initiating refund for GoPay Tokenization (Pre Auth) transaction

This section will describe how a merchant can initiate refunds for GoPay Tokenization (Pre Auth) transactions.

SNAP service code69

Request Header

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
Content-type String M Media type of the resource, i.e. application/json
X-TIMESTAMP String M Client’s current local time in ISO-8601 format
X-SIGNATURE String M Created using symmetric signature HMAC_SHA512 algorithm
Authorization String M Represents access_token of a request; string starts with keyword “Bearer ” followed by access_token. Can get this token from Access Token B2B API response.
X-PARTNER-ID String M Unique identifier for caller (client_id)

Alphanumeric string. We suggest merchant to use UUID format. The value should be unique.
In case of timeout, merchant can do:

  1. Use this value in get status API to get status transaction or

  2. Retry this request with the same X-EXTERNAL-ID and request body to avoid creating duplicate transaction

CHANNEL-ID String M Mandatory field from Bank Indonesia that can take any value with correct format 5 digits numeric string
X-SIGNATURE: da1fa417c72d6b91c257e01e54fac824
Authorization: Bearer gp9HjjEj813Y9JGoqwOeOPWbnt4CupvIJbU1Mmu4a11MNDZ7Sg5u9a

Request Body

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
originalReferenceNo String(64) C Transaction identifier on service provider system. For e.g: GopayOrderId

Note: either originalExternalId or OriginalReferenceNo need to be filled

If both fields have value, will use originalReferenceNo as the main identifier.

originalPartnerReferenceNo String (64) M Merchant order-id
partnerRefundNo String(64) M ReferenceNumber from PJP AIS for the refund.
refundAmount Object O Refund amount
refundAmount.value String (ISO4217) M Net amount of the transaction. If it's IDR then value includes 2 decimal digits. e.g. IDR 10.000,- will be placed with 10000.00
refundAmount.currency String(3) M Refund amount currency
reason String(256) O Reason for the refund. For Gopay, this field will be shown on Gopay Order History
additionalInfo.originalExternalId String (36) C If merchant got a timeout from the auth endpoint, merchant can use this field using the X-EXTERNAL-ID value in the direct debit request header.

Note: either originalExternalId or OriginalReferenceNo need to be filled


Response Header

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
Content-type String M Media type of the resource, i.e. application/json
X-TIMESTAMP String M Client’s current local time in ISO-8601 format
Content-type: application/json
X-TIMESTAMP: 2024-03-19T14:30:00+07:00

Response Body

Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description
responseCode String (7) M Error code to specify the error returned.
responseMessage String (150) M Debug message to provide more information.
originalReferenceNo String (256) O Transaction identifier on service provider system. For e.g: GopayOrderId
partnerRefundNo String (64) O PJSP's refund identifier. Used to trace the capture when there's any issue occurred.
refundNo String (64) M Reference number
refundTime String(25) M The time when the payment will be automatically expired. Using ISO 8601 format
refundAmount Object O Refund amount
refundAmount.value String (16,2) O Transaction amount that will be paid using this payment method If it's IDR then value includes 2 decimal digits.

e.g. IDR 10.000,- will be placed with 10000.00

refundAmount.currency String O Currency. For e.g: IDR
   "responseMessage":"Request has been processed successfully",
   "responseMessage":"There is some issue with the transaction request"

List of Response code

Response Code HTTP Status Code Response Message
2006900 200 Success
4006902 400 Invalid Mandatory Field {Field Name}
4016900 401 Unauthorized. Auth token required
4016901 401 Invalid Token (B2B)
4036902 403 Exceeds Transaction Amount Limit
4036914 403 Insufficient Funds
4036515 403 Transaction Not Permitted.[reason].
5006901 500 Internal Server Error
5046900 504 Timeout

Handling Order "Post-Process" in Refund Flow (Race-Condition)

When calling our Refund API, there might be a possibilities for you to encounter "error-"code":"2007" "cause":"Refund not processable when payment is in progress" , this scenario will happens if you make a call while the order "post-process" is still running. Our "post-process" is needed to ensure that any next action on behalf of that order (such as Refund) is secure. This "post-process" usually takes in a split micro-seconds.

In a condition where you have a use cases that needs you to initiate Refund right after the order settled, please implement a retry mechanism for calls that encountered with "error-"code":"2007". When you encounter this error, please set multiple layer of "backoff" mechanism where you

  • Retry the request after 1 second
  • Then if still encountered with this error, retry after 5 seconds, and so on

This approach ensures that your application interacts smoothly with our API once order processing is complete.