Get Transaction Status

Get Transaction Status is triggered to obtain the transaction_status and other details of a specific transaction. Get Status API can be used by both Snap and Core API integration.

Get Transaction Status Method

See sample on the right -- try it yourself!

HTTP MethodEndpointDefinition
GETBASE_URL/v2/{order_id OR transaction_id}/statusGet the status of transaction.


If you're using BI SNAP and DANA payment methods, please only use Transaction ID to get status. Otherwise it won't work.

Get Status Transaction Response

  "status_code" : "200",
  "status_message" : "Success, Credit Card transaction is successful",
  "transaction_id" : "249fc620-6017-4540-af7c-5a1c25788f46",
  "masked_card" : "48111111-1114",
  "order_id" : "example-1424936368",
  "payment_type" : "credit_card",
  "transaction_time" : "2015-02-26 14:39:33",
  "transaction_status" : "capture",
  "fraud_status" : "accept",
  "approval_code" : "1424936374393",
  "signature_key" : "2802a264cb978fbc59f631c68d120cbda8dc853f5dfdc52301c615cf4f14e7a0b09aa...",
  "bank" : "bni",
  "gross_amount" : "30000.00",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "payment_option_type": "GOPAY_WALLET",
  "shopeepay_reference_number": "103995032913255264",
  "reference_id": "DL-dduIy7XtGtvxJtNNpOfbAt"
  "status_code" : "200",
  "status_message" : "Success, refund request is approved by the bank",
  "transaction_id" : "249fc620-6017-4540-af7c-5a1c25788f46",
  "masked_card" : "48111111-1114",
  "order_id" : "example-1424936368",
  "payment_type" : "credit_card",
  "transaction_time" : "2015-02-26 14:39:33",
  "transaction_status" : "partial_refund",
  "fraud_status" : "accept",
  "approval_code" : "1424936374393",
  "signature_key" : "2802a264cb978fbc59f631c68d120cbda8dc853f5dfdc52301c615cf4f14e7a0b09aa...",
  "bank" : "bni",
  "gross_amount" : "30000.00",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "payment_option_type": "GOPAY_WALLET",
  "refund_amount": "12000.00",
  "refunds": [
      "refund_chargeback_id": 1,
      "refund_amount": "5000.00",
      "created_at": "2015-02-27 00:14:20",
      "reason": "some reason",
      "refund_key": "reference1"
      "refund_chargeback_id": 2,
      "refund_amount": "7000.00",
      "created_at": "2015-02-28 01:23:15",
      "reason": "",
      "refund_key": "reference2"
  "status_code" : "200",
  "status_message" : "Success, refund request is approved by the bank",
  "transaction_id" : "249fc620-6017-4540-af7c-5a1c25788f46",
  "masked_card" : "48111111-1114",
  "order_id" : "example-1424936368",
  "payment_type" : "credit_card",
  "transaction_time" : "2015-02-26 14:39:33",
  "transaction_status" : "partial_refund",
  "fraud_status" : "accept",
  "approval_code" : "1424936374393",
  "signature_key" : "2802a264cb978fbc59f631c68d120cbda8dc853f5dfdc52301c615cf4f14e7a0b09aa...",
  "bank" : "bni",
  "gross_amount" : "30000.00",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "payment_option_type": "GOPAY_WALLET",
  "refund_amount": "12000.00",
  "refunds": [
      "refund_chargeback_id": 1,
      "refund_amount": "5000.00",
      "created_at": "2015-02-27 00:14:20",
      "reason": "some reason",
      "refund_key": "reference1",
      "refund_method": "online",
      "bank_confirmed_at": "2015-02-27 02:30:20"
      "refund_chargeback_id": 2,
      "refund_amount": "7000.00",
      "created_at": "2015-02-28 01:23:15",
      "reason": "",
      "refund_key": "reference2",
      "refund_method": "offline",
      "bank_confirmed_at": "2015-02-27 02:30:20"
  "masked_card": "52412500-0127",
  "approval_code": "T12345",
  "bank": "bni",
  "eci": "02",
  "point_balance_amount": "1644.00",
  "point_redeem_amount": 80000,
  "point_redeem_quantity": 26667,
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "channel": "dragon",
  "three_ds_version": "2",
  "transaction_time": "2023-11-20 07:30:03",
  "custom_field1": "TEST1",
  "custom_field2": "TEST2",
  "gross_amount": "410400.00",
  "currency": "IDR",
  "order_id": "TKP2453912939",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "signature_key": "d60dc0a9c7c3cd5c20399d99d56968c241dbaacc26444c2eebc541d3b0fad594cefb50dd866a83089ecba785bd153ee95c03d81a35ccf82689b15d8f57bdbb80",
  "status_code": "200",
  "transaction_id": "0c8b481d-8b99-4c6a-b735-aec18be92f28",
  "transaction_status": "capture",
  "fraud_status": "accept",
  "expiry_time": "2023-11-20 07:40:03",
  "status_message": "Success, Credit Card transaction is successful",
  "merchant_id": "B200000000000001005476",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "challenge_completion": true
JSON AttributeDescriptionType
status_codeStatus code of transaction charge resultString
status_messageDescription of transaction charge result.String
transaction_idTransaction ID given by Midtrans.String
masked_cardFirst 8-digit and last 4-digit of customer's credit card number.String
order_idOrder ID specified by you.String
payment_typeThe payment method used by the customer.String
transaction_timeTimestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format. Time Zone: GMT+7.String
transaction_statusTransaction status after charge credit card transaction. Possible values are
capture: Transaction is accepted by the bank and ready for settlement.
deny: transaction is denied by the bank or FDS.
authorize: Credit card is authorized in pre-authorization feature.
fraud_statusDetection result by Fraud Detection System (FDS). Possible values are
accept: Approved by FDS.
challenge: Questioned by FDS. Note: Approve transaction to accept it or transaction gets automatically canceled during settlement.
deny: Denied by FDS. Transaction automatically failed.
approval_codeApproval code from payment provider for successful transaction. It can be used for refund.String
signature_keySignature key to validate if the notification is originated from Midtrans.String
bankThe acquiring bank of the transaction.String
gross_amountTotal amount of transaction in IDR. String
channel_response_codeResponse code from payment channel provider.String
channel_response_messageResponse message from payment channel providerString
card_typeType of card used. Possible values are credit, debit.String
payment_option_typeType of payment that is being used, possible values are GOPAY_WALLET, PAY_LATER, GO_CICIL, GOPAY_COINS (more possible values will be added once we launch more payment option on Gopay). Only available for Gopay payment type.String
shopeepay_reference_numberReference number given by ShopeePay. Only available for ShopeePay payment type and QRIS payment type with acquirer airpay shopee.String
reference_idReference ID given by payment provider. Only available for ShopeePay payment type and QRIS payment type with acquirer airpay shopee.String
refund_amountCumulative refund amount in `IDR`.String
refundsList of refund details related to the transaction. Only available on transaction status partial_refund or refund.JSON Array
refund_chargeback_idMidtrans refund ID.Long
refund_amountAmount of the specific refund.String
created_atTimestamp of the refund creation.String
reasonReason the refund is created.String
refund_keyMerchant refund reference.String
refund_methodRefund confirmation method. The value is applied after Midtrans confirm the refund request (1 day after request is made). Possible values are online, offline.String
bank_confirmed_atTimestamp of receipt of refund request confirmation from acquiring bank.String
point_redeem_amountAmount redeemed in IDR.Long
point_redeem_quantityPoint representation of point_redeem_amount.Long
point_balance_amountBalance amount in IDR.String
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!