Going Live With Mobile SDK


To use the production version in Android, please use the production version of the library and also production client key which you can get from MAP.

implementation 'com.midtrans:corekit:1.28.0'
implementation 'com.midtrans:uikit:1.28.0'


To use the production version in iOS, please use the production environment when initializing SDK and also production client key which you can get from MAP.

MidtransConfig.shared().setClientKey("merchant clientkey", environment: .production, merchantServerURL: "merchant server URL")
[CONFIG setClientKey:@"merchant clientkey"
           merchantServerURL:@"merchant server production URL"];

Merchant Server

To use the production version of Snap, please use the production endpoint of Snap and also production server key which you can get from MAP.

Production Endpoint: https://app.midtrans.com/snap/v1/