Error Mapping

This section will explain how merchants the mapping between previous error response compare to SNAP version

Payouts SNAP-based Response code is following BI SNAP format (HTTP Code + Service Code + Case Code). XX in the Payouts SNAP-based Response Code column should be replaced with any Service Code.

The following table is the mapping from previous error response to SNAP version:

Current Payouts Error ResponsePayouts SNAP-based Response
Parsing Error400XX00
Beneficiary bank is not included in the list400XX00
Facilitator bank account not available400XX00
Beneficiary account is too long400XX01
Beneficiary account can't exceed X400XX01
Beneficiary email must be a valid email address400XX01
Beneficiary name only allows alphanumeric characters400XX01
Notes only allows space and alphanumeric characters400XX01
Bank_name is not included in the list400XX01
Amount must be greater than or equal to X400XX02
You are not authorized to perform this action401XX00
Account is dormant403XX09
Partner does not have sufficient balance403XX14
Insufficient balance for the account validation403XX14
Account is closed403XX18
Specified payout not found404XX01
Account does not exist404XX11
Invalid bank account404XX11
Partner reference no already exists for this partner409XX01
Something went wrong500XX01
Cannot reach500XX02
Bank account validation is currently unavailable500XX02


If you received 5xx error during transfer, please do status inquiry before recreating new transfer request just to be sure we have not proceed the previous request.