Notification Payload

Monetary Value

All monetary is serialized as JSON string, with some restrictions:

  • Only contains numeric characters and a . character as a decimal-fraction separator.
  • Has at most 2 decimal-fraction digits.

Example of valid monetary values:

  • "10000"
    • "10000.0"
      • "10000.00"



Decimal rounding might take place if the decimal fraction value is not equal to .0

Payout Notification Payload

reference_noUnique reference_no of a payout
amountAmount of the processed payout
statusapproved : payout request is approved by approver user
rejected : payout request is rejected by approver user
processed : payout request is sent to the bank and completed
completed : payout request is sent to the bank and received by beneficiary accountFor payout using SKN/RTGS/BI Fast, there might be a chance that the money will be refunded hence it can update the status from completed to failed based on the money movement itself.
failed : payout didn't go through
updated_atPayout status update time in ISO8601 format
error_codeIn case payout is failed we will send an error code, related to the failed payout failed payout error code and messages
error_messageIn case payout is failed we will send an error message, related to the failed payout failed payout error code and messages

Top up Notification Payload

transaction_idUnique id generated by Midtrans for top up to Bank
order_idUnique id generated by Payouts
gross_amountAmount topped up
transaction_timeTransaction time in ISO8601 format