Notification Payload

Monetary Value

All monetary is serialized as JSON string, with some restrictions:

  • Only contains numeric characters and a . character as a decimal-fraction separator.
  • Has at most 2 decimal-fraction digits.

Example of valid monetary values:

  • "10000"
  • "10000.0"
  • "10000.00"



Decimal rounding might take place if the decimal fraction value is not equal to .0


Status NameDescriptionPossible Change(s)
approvedPayout request is approved by approver userprocessed
rejectedPayout rejected due to error on validation or by the approverTerminal state
processedPayout request is sent to the bank and currently being processed by the bank. There are 2 kind of processed status:

1. If it's a payout using SKN/RTGS, processed means we have sent the request to the respected bank, and it's currently being processed on bank side and will be updated to be either completed or failed on the same working day before midnight.
2. If the disbursement request got issues on the bank side, merchant will also received processed status, whereby we need to do reconciliation and the status will be updated to either completed or failed on D+1 working day.
completedPayout request is sent to the bank and received by beneficiary accountfailed
This can happened if there's refund from bank.
failedPayout didn't go throughTerminal State

Payout Notification Payload

reference_noUnique reference_no of a payout
amountAmount of the processed payout
statusStatus of the payout, please refer to here as reference.
updated_atPayout status update time in ISO8601 format
error_codeIn case payout is failed we will send an error code, related to the failed payout failed payout error code and messages
error_messageIn case payout is failed we will send an error message, related to the failed payout failed payout error code and messages

Top up Notification Payload

transaction_idUnique id generated by Midtrans for top up to Bank
order_idUnique id generated by Payouts
gross_amountAmount topped up
transaction_timeTransaction time in ISO8601 format