Get Payout Details

Get details of a single payout.

  "amount": "200000.00",
  "beneficiary_name": "Ryan Renolds",
  "beneficiary_account": "33287352",
  "bank": "Bank Central Asia ( BCA )",
  "reference_no": "83hgf882",
  "notes": "Payout June 17",
  "beneficiary_email": "[email protected]",
  "status": "queued",
  "created_by": "John Doe",
  "created_at": "2017-01-11T00:00:00Z",
  "updated_at": "2017-01-11T00:00:00Z"

HTTP Request

GET BASE_URL/api/v1/payouts/reference_no

Response Params

amountAmount of the processed payout
beneficiary_nameName of the Beneficiary
beneficiary_accountAccount number of the Beneficiary
bankBank name used by the Beneficiary
reference_noUnique reference_no of a payout
notesNote added to a payout
statusqueued : payout is waiting to be executed
processed : payout request is sent to the bank and completed
completed : payout request is sent to the bank and received by beneficiary account
failed : payout didn't go through
beneficiary_emailEmail of beneficiary (only present if email is added during payout create)
created_byPayout created by the maker
created_atPayout creation date in ISO8601 format
updated_atPayout updation date in ISO8601 format