This API is used to get merchant's transaction history list
Path /{version}/transaction-history-list HTTP Method POST Version v1.0 SNAP Service Code 12
Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description Content-type String M Media type of the resource, i.e. application/json X-TIMESTAMP String M Client’s current local time in ISO-8601 format X-SIGNATURE String M Unique identifier for partner Authorization String M Represents access_token of a request; string starts with keyword “Bearer ” followed by access_token. Can get this token from Access Token B2B response X-PARTNER-ID String M Unique identifier for partner X-EXTERNAL-ID String M Alphanumeric string. Preferably UUID. Reference number that should be unique in the same day or 1 day idempotency key CHANNEL-ID String M Device identification on which the API services are currently being accessed by the end user. Given by BI
Content-type: application/json
X-TIMESTAMP: 2020-12-18T15:34:40+07:00
X-SIGNATURE: 85be817c55b2c135157c7e89f52499bf0c25ad6eeebe04a986e8c862561b19a5
Authorization: Bearer gp9HjjEj813Y9JGoqwOeOPWbnt4CUpvIJbU1mMU4a11MNDZ7Sg5u9a
X-PARTNER-ID: 82150823919040624621823174737537
X-EXTERNAL-ID: 41807553358950093184162180797837
Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description referenceNo String(64) O Transaction identifier on service provider system partnerReferenceNo String(64) O Transaction identifier on service consumer system fromDateTime String(25) O Starting time range in ISO-8601 format. Default: NOW - 3 months. Limited to the latest of 6 months, e.g: if NOW = 2024-02-23T23:59:59+07:00, fromDateTime can start from 2023-08-01T00:00:00+07:00 toDateTime String(25) O Ending time range in ISO-8601 format. Default: NOW pageSize int O Maximum number of transaction returned in one pagination. Default: 10. Max: 50 pageNumber int O Current page number. Default: 0 additionalInfo Object O Additional information additionalInfo.types Array of String O Transaction type, i.e: PAYMENT, TOP_UP, WITHDRAWAL, DISBURSEMENT additionalInfo.{type}.statuses Array of String O Transaction status. {type}: payment, topUp, withdrawal, disbursement
"referenceNo": "2020102977770000000009",
"partnerReferenceNo": "2020102900000000000001",
"additionalInfo": {
"payment": {
"statuses": ["DENIED"]
"topUp": {
"statuses": ["SETTLEMENT"]
"withdrawal": {
"statuses": ["CANCELLED"]
"disbursement": {
"statuses": ["FAILED"]
Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description Content-type String M Media type of the resource, i.e. application/json X-TIMESTAMP String M Client’s current local time in ISO-8601 format
Content-type: application/json
X-TIMESTAMP: 2020-12-18T15:34:40+07:00
Field Name Field Type Mandatory Field Description responseCode String(7) M Response code (HTTP status code + service code + case code) responseMessage String(150) M Response description dateTime String(25) M Transaction created time in ISO-8601 format amount Object M Amount information amount.value String(16,2) M Net amount of the transaction amount.currency String(3) M Currency remark String(256) O Transaction remark status String(32) M Transaction status (BI-SNAP) type String(32) M Transaction type (BI-SNAP) additionalInfo Object O Additional information additionalInfo.referenceNo String(64) M Transaction identifier on service provider system additionalInfo.partnerReferenceNo String(64) M Transaction identifier on service consumer system additionalInfo.status String(32) M Transaction status (Midtrans) additionalInfo.type String(32) M Transaction type (Midtrans) String(100) M Transaction channel additionalInfo.customerEmail String(100) O Customer email additionalInfo.accountNo String(32) O Account number
200 OK 401 Unauthorized
"responseCode": "2001200",
"responseMessage": "Success",
"detailData": [
"dateTime": "2019-07-03T12:08:56+07:00"",
"amount": {
"value": "12345678.00",
"currency": "IDR"
"remark": "Payment to Warung Ikan Bakar",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"type": "PAYMENT",
"additionalInfo": {
"referenceNo": "2020102977770000000009",
"partnerReferenceNo": "2020102900000000000001",
"status": "SETTLEMENT",
"type": "PAYMENT",
"channel": "qris",
"customerEmail": "[email protected] ",
"accountNo": "123456"
"responseCode": "4011200",
"responseMessage": "Unauthorized. Client"
Response Code HTTP Status Description 2001200 200 Successful 4001201 400 Invalid field format {........} 4001202 400 Missing mandatory field {........} 4011200 401 Unauthorized signature 4011201 401 Access token invalid 4031218 403 Inactive account 4091200 409 Cannot use same X-EXTERNAL-ID in same day 5001201 500 Unknown internal server failure, please retry the process again