ShopeePay Response Codes

-2A server dropped the connection.
-1A server error occurred.
1Request parameters error.
2Permission denied.
4Merchant/Store not found.
6The user making the payment has not activated their wallet.
9User’s account is banned.
11Duplicate request/transaction.
24User's account is frozen.
42Insufficient balance.
101One of the user’s wallet limits has been exceeded.
102One of the user’s wallet limits has been exceeded.
103User exceeded daily payment limit. Limit will reset the next day.
104One of the user’s wallet limits has been exceeded.
105Authorization code is invalid.
121Client attempts to update completed transaction.
301Invalid payment code or QR content.
303Merchant is trying to make payment to their own user account.
304Refund/Void. Cannot be processed due to payment exceeding validity period. Valid refund period is set at 24 hours by default.