Feature: Full PAN

Full PAN simplifies the process of recurring transaction on payment card by removing the tokenization step in a normal Card Payment transaction. This can be used only if Merchant has a PCI license. Other than for full payments, Full PAN mode can also be used for recurring payments (see also : One Click Feature) by adding save_token_id to the charge request.

To better understand the integration, the transactions are categorized into the following:

  • Non-3DS integration
  • 3DS Integration



This feature is only available if Merchant is PCI-DSS compliant.

Full PAN Non-3DS Integration

Send a Charge API request with payment_type, transaction_details, customer_details, item_details. Successful response returns the redirect_url.
The steps to integrate with Non-3DS are given below.

  1. Send the Charge request to Midtrans.
  2. Handle notifications.

Non 3DS Full PAN Charge Request

  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "transaction_details": {
    "order_id": "C17550",
    "gross_amount": 145000
  "credit_card": {
    "card": {
      "number": "4811111111111114",
      "expiry_month": "03",
      "expiry_year": "2020",
      "cvv": "123"
    "dynamic_descriptor": {
      "merchant_name": "Fuji Apple Inc",
      "city_name": "Jakarta",
      "country_code": "ID"
  "item_details": [{
      "id": "a1",
      "price": 145000,
      "quantity": 2,
      "name": "Apel",
      "brand": "Fuji Apple",
      "category": "Fruit",
      "merchant_name": "Fruit-store"
    "customer_details": {
      "first_name": "BUDI",
      "last_name": "UTOMO",
      "email": "test@midtrans.com",
      "phone": "+628123456",
      "billing_address": {
        "first_name": "BUDI",
        "last_name": "UTOMO",
        "email": "test@midtrans.com",
        "phone": "081 2233 44-55",
        "address": "Sudirman",
        "city": "Jakarta",
        "postal_code": "12190",
        "country_code": "IDN"
      "shipping_address": {
        "first_name": "BUDI",
        "last_name": "UTOMO",
        "email": "test@midtrans.com",
        "phone": "0 8128-75 7-9338",
        "address": "Sudirman",
        "city": "Jakarta",
        "postal_code": "12190",
        "country_code": "IDN"
JSON AttributeDescriptionTypeRequired
payment_typeThe payment method used by the customer.
Value: credit_card.
String (255)Required
transaction_detailsThe details of the specific transaction such as order_id and gross_amount.ObjectRequired
credit_cardThe details of the payment card used for the transaction.ObjectRequired
item_detailsDetails of the item(s) purchased by the customer.ObjectOptional
customer_detailsDetails of the customer.ObjectOptional

The credit_card object in Charge request to configure Non-3DS full PAN feature is identical with Card Charge Request, with the additional attributes given below.

JSON Attribute Description Type Required
card The details of the payment card used for the transaction. Object Required
number Primary Account Number (PAN) of credit card. Integer (13-19) Required
expiry_month The card expiry month in MM format. String (2) Required
expiry_year The card expiry year in YYYY format. String (4) Required
cvv Also known as Card Verification Code (CVC) shown at the back of the credit card.
Note: If card.cvv is not passed, then transaction will be treated as recurring.
Integer (3-4) Required
dynamic_descriptor Details of the merchant. Object Required
merchant_name First 25 digit on customer's billing statement. Mostly used to show merchant name or product name.
Note: Only works for BNI.
String (25) Required
city_name First 25 digit on customer's billing statement. Mostly used to show merchant name or product name.
Note: Only works for BNI.
String (13) Optional
country_code Last two digit on customer's billing statement. Mostly used to show country code.
Note: Only works for BNI.
String (2) Optional

Non 3DS Full PAN Charge Response and Notifications

Sample Response

  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "transaction_time": "2014-08-24 15:39:22",
  "transaction_status": "capture",
  "fraud_status": "accept",
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "status_code": "200",
  "bank": "bni",
  "status_message": "Success, Credit Card 3D Secure transaction is successful",
  "approval_code": "1408869563148",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "currency": "IDR",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "on_us": true,
  "channel": "dragon"
  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "transaction_time": "2014-08-24 15:39:22",
  "transaction_status": "deny",
  "fraud_status": "accept",
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "status_code": "202",
  "bank": "bni",
  "status_message": "Deny by Bank [CIMB] with code [05] and message [Do not honor]",
  "approval_code": "      ",
  "channel_response_code": "05",
  "channel_response_message": "Do not honor",
  "currency": "IDR",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "on_us": false,
  "channel": "dragon"
  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "transaction_time": "2014-08-24 15:39:22",
  "transaction_status": "authorize",
  "fraud_status": "challenge",
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "status_code": "201",
  "bank": "bni",
  "status_message": "Success, Credit Card 3D Secure transaction is successful",
  "approval_code": "1408869563148",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "currency": "IDR",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "on_us": true,
  "channel": "dragon"
    "status_code": "400",
    "status_message": "One or more parameters in the payload is invalid.",
    "id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
    "validation_messages": [
        "unsupported token request parameter(s)"
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "approval_code": "131755",
  "bank": "bni",
  "transaction_time": "2014-08-24 15:39:22",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "signature_key": "49e158a0c3f1913eae0902875324075c562daa39b2824b865db2242adea247a228960d2f1002392fdbc29c3271c2bc78ba72e588db9047a82932d0615ddc811f",
  "status_code": "200",
  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "transaction_status": "settlement",
  "fraud_status": "accept",
  "status_message": "midtrans payment notification",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "card_type": "credit"
JSON AttributeDescriptionType
transaction_idTransaction ID given by Midtrans.String
order_idOrder ID specified by you.String
gross_amountTotal amount of transaction in IDR.String
payment_typeThe payment method used by the customer.String
transaction_timeTimestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format. Time Zone: GMT+7.String
transaction_statusTransaction status after charge payment card transaction. Possible values are
capture : Transaction is accepted by the bank and ready for settlement.
deny: transaction is denied by the bank or FDS.
authorize: Payment card is authorized in pre-authorization feature.
fraud_statusDetection result by Fraud Detection System (FDS). Possible values are
accept : Approved by FDS.
challenge: Questioned by FDS.
Note: Approve transaction to accept it or transaction will auto cancel during settlement.
deny: Denied by FDS. Transaction automatically failed.
masked_cardFirst 8-digit and last 4-digit of customer's payment card number.String
status_codeStatus code of transaction charge result.String
bankThe acquiring bank of the transaction.String
status_messageStatus message describing the result of the API request.String
approval_codeApproval code. It can be used for refund. This does not exist on denied transaction.String
channel_response_codeResponse code from payment channel provider.String
channel_response_messageResponse message from payment channel provider.String
currencyISO-4217 representation of three-letter alphabetic currency code. Value: IDR.
Note: Currently only IDR is supported.
card_typeType of card used. Possible values are credit, debit.String
on_usIndicate whether issuing and acquiring bank is the sameBoolean
channelThe name of the payment channel provider. More details on request and possible values are available on Card Feature: Specific Channel.String

Full PAN 3DS Integration

The steps to integrate using 3DS are given below.

  1. Send the charge request to Midtrans.
  2. Open Redirect URL.
  3. Handle notifications.

Send a Charge API request with payment_type, transaction_details, cstore, customer_details, item_details. Successful response returns the redirect_url.

3DS Full PAN Charge Request

  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "transaction_details": {
    "order_id": "C17550",
    "gross_amount": 145000
  "credit_card": {
    "card": {
      "number": "4811111111111114",
      "expiry_month": "03",
      "expiry_year": "2020",
      "cvv": "123"
    "dynamic_descriptor": {
      "merchant_name": "Fuji Apple Inc",
      "city_name": "Jakarta",
      "country_code": "ID"
    "authentication": true
  "item_details": [{
      "id": "a1",
      "price": 145000,
      "quantity": 2,
      "name": "Apel",
      "brand": "Fuji Apple",
      "category": "Fruit",
      "merchant_name": "Fruit-store"
    "customer_details": {
      "first_name": "BUDI",
      "last_name": "UTOMO",
      "email": "test@midtrans.com",
      "phone": "+628123456",
      "billing_address": {
        "first_name": "BUDI",
        "last_name": "UTOMO",
        "email": "test@midtrans.com",
        "phone": "081 2233 44-55",
        "address": "Sudirman",
        "city": "Jakarta",
        "postal_code": "12190",
        "country_code": "IDN"
      "shipping_address": {
        "first_name": "BUDI",
        "last_name": "UTOMO",
        "email": "test@midtrans.com",
        "phone": "0 8128-75 7-9338",
        "address": "Sudirman",
        "city": "Jakarta",
        "postal_code": "12190",
        "country_code": "IDN"
JSON AttributeDescriptionTypeRequired
payment_typeThe payment method used by the customer.
Value is credit_card.
String (255)Required
transaction_detailsThe details of the specific transaction such as order_id and gross_amount.ObjectRequired
credit_cardThe details of the payment card used for the transaction.ObjectRequired
item_detailsDetails of the item(s) purchased by the customer.ObjectOptional
customer_detailsDetails of the customer.ObjectOptional

The credit_card object in Charge request to configure 3DS full PAN feature is identical with Card Charge Request, with the additional attributes given below.

JSON AttributeDescriptionTypeRequired
authenticationFlag to enable the 3D secure authentication. Default value is false.BooleanOptional
callback_typeDetermines how the transaction status is updated to the merchant frontend. Possible values are js_event (default) and form. For more details, refer Open 3DS Authentication.StringOptional

3DS Full PAN Charge Response and Notifications

Sample Response

  "status_code": "201",
  "status_message": "Credit Card transaction is in progress",
  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "redirect_url": "https://api.veritrans.co.id/v2/token/rba/redirect/451249-2595-e14aac7f-cfb3-4ab2-98ab-5cc5e70f4b2c",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "currency": "IDR",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "transaction_time": "2018-09-12 22:10:23",
  "transaction_status": "pending",
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "three_ds_version": "2",
  "on_us": true,
  "channel": "dragon"
  "status_code": "201",
  "status_message": "Credit Card transaction is in progress",
  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "redirect_url": "https://api.veritrans.co.id/v2/token/rba/redirect/451249-2595-e14aac7f-cfb3-4ab2-98ab-5cc5e70f4b2c",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "currency": "IDR",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "transaction_time": "2018-09-12 22:10:23",
  "transaction_status": "pending",
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "three_ds_version": "2",
  "three_ds_challenge_completion": false,
  "channel": "dragon"
  "status_code": "400",
  "status_message": "One or more parameters in the payload is invalid.",
  "id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "validation_messages": [
    "unsupported token request parameter(s)"
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "approval_code": "T58755",
  "bank": "bni",
  "eci": "05",
  "transaction_time": "2014-08-24 15:39:22",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "signature_key": "8d22a6b625f395a1a2cf0e62497e20be433cbad3e8a8ff36bf6b40dbd47308125ccda93546eab8a3acd91390155082658ac25b10a6294c6660642e43a5edc8bb",
  "status_code": "200",
  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "transaction_status": "capture",
  "fraud_status": "accept",
  "status_message": "midtrans payment notification",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "three_ds_version": "2",
  "on_us": false
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "approval_code": "T58755",
  "bank": "bni",
  "eci": "05",
  "transaction_time": "2014-08-24 15:39:22",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "signature_key": "8d22a6b625f395a1a2cf0e62497e20be433cbad3e8a8ff36bf6b40dbd47308125ccda93546eab8a3acd91390155082658ac25b10a6294c6660642e43a5edc8bb",
  "status_code": "200",
  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "transaction_status": "capture",
  "fraud_status": "accept",
  "status_message": "midtrans payment notification",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "three_ds_version": "2",
  "three_ds_challenge_completion": true
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "approval_code": "338016",
  "bank": "bni",
  "eci": "06",
  "transaction_time": "2014-08-24 15:39:22",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "signature_key": "763713b31cf59c886d3cc4a0c654a060a8e990080fe29fca75ae9e4ff9de804809c4e20977829844dac01a7ac1464a4eb095ad32482048398918987295dc5022",
  "status_code": "202",
  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "transaction_status": "deny",
  "fraud_status": "accept",
  "status_message": "midtrans payment notification",
  "channel_response_code": "05",
  "channel_response_message": "Do not honor",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "three_ds_version": "2"
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "approval_code": "315762",
  "bank": "bni",
  "eci": "05",
  "transaction_time": "2014-08-24 15:39:22",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "signature_key": "393f8b6b27f9f6385d8391642942e9534fd20dad20c0631b75b0746bfc314482af4411c93e958b691a63e9154676905b906234d1f12fca031f5be5593f7ec2c6",
  "status_code": "201",
  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "transaction_status": "capture",
  "fraud_status": "challenge",
  "status_message": "midtrans payment notification",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "three_ds_version": "2"
  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "approval_code": "131755",
  "bank": "bni",
  "eci": "05",
  "transaction_time": "2014-08-24 15:39:22",
  "gross_amount": "145000.00",
  "order_id": "C17550",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "signature_key": "49e158a0c3f1913eae0902875324075c562daa39b2824b865db2242adea247a228960d2f1002392fdbc29c3271c2bc78ba72e588db9047a82932d0615ddc811f",
  "status_code": "200",
  "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27",
  "transaction_status": "settlement",
  "fraud_status": "accept",
  "status_message": "Midtrans payment notification",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "three_ds_version": "2"
JSON AttributeDescriptionType
transaction_idTransaction ID given by Midtrans.String
order_idOrder ID specified by you.String
gross_amountTotal amount of transaction in IDR.String.
payment_typeThe payment method used by the customer.String
transaction_timeTimestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format. Time Zone: GMT+7.String
transaction_statusTransaction status after charge payment card transaction. Possible values are
capture: Transaction is accepted by the bank and ready for settlement.
deny: transaction is denied by the bank or FDS.
authorize: Payment card is authorized in pre-authorization feature.
pending: Credit card is pending and you will need to rely on the http notification webhook to receive the final transaction status.
fraud_statusDetection result by Fraud Detection System (FDS). Possible values are
accept: Approved by FDS.
challenge: Questioned by FDS.
Note: Approve transaction to accept it or transaction will auto cancel during settlement.
deny: Denied by FDS. Transaction automatically failed.
masked_cardFirst 8-digit and last 4-digit of customer's payment card number.String
status_codeStatus code of transaction charge result.String
bankThe name of the acquiring bank of the transaction.String
status_messageStatus message describing the result of the API request.String
approval_codeApproval code. It can be used for refund. This does not exist on denied transaction.String
eciThe 3D secure ECI Code.String
channel_response_codeResponse code from payment channel provider.String
channel_response_messageResponse message from payment channel provider.String
redirect_urlURL to redirect the customer to finish 3DS authentication.String
currencyISO-4217 representation of three-letter alphabetic currency code. Value: IDR.
Note: Currently only IDR is supported.
card_typeType of card used. Possible values are credit, debit.String
three_ds_version3DS Version that used for transaction (This field only present for 3DS Transaction). Possible values are 1, 2String
three_ds_challenge_completion3DS Challenge completion state to indicate the customer has submit the OTP or not(it doesn't matter if the OTP is valid or not). Possible values are true, falseBoolean
on_usIndicate whether issuing and acquiring bank is the sameBoolean
channelThe name of the payment channel provider. Provided if channel attribute on charge api request is present. More details on request and possible values are available on Card Feature: Specific Channel.String



If you receive pending transaction_status, you will need to rely on the http notification webhook to receive the final transaction status