
This section covers API references for the Standar Nasional Open API Pembayaran (SNAP) version of Midtrans' Core API.

Standar Nasional Open API Pembayaran, or in short SNAP, is a national payment open API standard published by Bank Indonesia as per enacted in BI Governor Decree No. 23/10/KEP.GBI/2021, dated 16th of August 2021.

SNAP covers aspects of the payment integration between payment providers and merchants that includes:

  1. Technical and security standards that include data standards and technical specifications
  2. Governance guidelines for interconnected and interoperable open API payments

What change?


Payout creation

Previously on non-SNAP (current) API, in order to create a transfer merchant need to use Create Payout API and Approve Payout API. Since SNAP currently doesn't allow approval via API anymore, every transfer API will directly processed to the payment providers.

In SNAP, merchant also need to understand what API that need to be used because bank transfer and emoney topup is being separated.