Payment API is intended for performing transactions and deduct funds from the customer, depending on the payment method selected. You can tokenize, approve, deny, refund, or cancel a transactions.
API Methods
HTTP Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /v2/token | Tokenize payment card information before being charged. |
POST | /v2/charge | Perform a transaction with various available payment methods and features. Example given: Credit Card Charge. |
POST | /v2/capture | Capture an authorized transaction for card payment. |
POST | /v2/order_id /approve | Approve a transaction with certain order_id which gets challenge status from Fraud Detection System. |
POST | /v2/order_id /deny | Deny a transaction with a specific order_id , flagged as challenge by Fraud Detection System. |
POST | /v2/order_id /cancel | Cancel a transaction with a specific order_id . Cancelation can only be done before settlement process. |
POST | /v2/order_id /expire | Update the transaction status of a specific order_id , from pending to expired . |
POST | /v2/order_id /refund | Update the transaction status of a specific order_id , from settlement to refund . |
POST | /v2/order_id /refund/online/direct | Send refund to the customer's bank or the payment provider and update the transaction status to refund . |
GET | /v2/order_id /status | Get the transaction status of a specific order_id . |
GET | /v2/order_id /status/b2b | Get the transaction status multiple B2B transactions related to certain order_id . |
GET | /v2/card/register | Register customer's card information (card number and expiry) to be used for One Click and Two Click transactions. |
GET | /v2/point_inquiry/token_id | Get the point balance of the card in denomination amount. |
POST | /v2/pay/account | Used to link the customer's account to create payment for certain channel. |
GET | /v2/pay/account/account_id | Get customer payment account details. |
POST | /v2/pay/account/account_id /unbind | Unbind a linked customer account. |
GET | /v1/bins/bin_number | Get Bin Metadata. |