Both GoPay QRIS and ShopeePay QRIS are available on SNAP-based flow.
In QRIS flow, merchant will receive QRIS code which can be paid by users. Users can scan the QRIS code using e-wallet app that already is QRIS compatible, such as GoPay, ShopeePay, etc.
This section will explain how merchants can initiate GoPay QRIS transactions using SNAP-based CoreAPI specification.
Creating GoPay/ShopeePay QRIS transaction

Path | /{version}/qr/qr-mpm-generate |
HTTP Method | POST |
Version | v1.0 |
SNAP Service Code | 47 |
Request Header
Field Name | Field Type | Mandatory | Field Description | |
Content-type | String | M | Media type of the resource, i.e. application/json | |
X-TIMESTAMP | String | M | Client’s current local time in ISO-8601 format | |
X-SIGNATURE | String | M | Created using symmetric signature HMAC_SHA512 algorithm | |
Authorization | String | M | Represents access_token of a request; string starts with keyword “Bearer ” followed by access_token. Can get this token from Access Token B2B response. | |
X-PARTNER-ID | String | M | Unique identifier for caller (client_id) | |
X-EXTERNAL-ID | String | M | Alphanumeric string. We suggest merchant to use UUID format. The value should be unique.
The value should also be the same as request_body.partnerReferenceNo | |
CHANNEL-ID | String | M | Mandatory field from Bank Indonesia that can take any value with correct format 5 digits numeric string |
Authorization:Bearer gp9HjjEj813Y9JGoqwOeOPWbnt4CupvIJbU1Mmu4a11MNDZ7Sg5u9a
Request Body
Field Name | Field Type | Mandatory | Field Description | |
partnerReferenceNo | String(36) | O | Alphanumeric string. Preferably UUID. Reference number that should be unique across 3 months. This value should be filled with the same value as X-EXTERNAL-ID | |
amount | Object | O | Amount object | |
amount.value | String(16,2) | M | Transaction amount | |
amount.currency | String(3) | M | Transaction currency | |
merchantId | String(64) | O | Merchant identifier that is unique per each merchant | |
subMerchantId | String(32) | O | Sub merchant id | |
storeId | String(64) | O | Unique shop id on the merchant side. | |
validityPeriod | String(25) | O | The time when the QRIS will automatically expire.
The time when the payment will be automatically expired. The format is defined by ISO 8601.
(Maximum value : 180 days from trx time, Minimum value : 20 second, default value : 15 min) |
terminalId | String(16) | O | Merchant terminal id | |
additionalInfo | Object | O | Additional information | |
additionalInfo.acquirer | String | O | Acquirer name, possible value for now: GOPAY, AIRPAY SHOPEE. If not given, default value is GOPAY |
"partnerReferenceNo": "2020102900000000000001",
"amount": {
"value": "12345678.00",
"currency": "IDR"
"merchantId": "00007100010926",
"terminalId": "213141251124",
"validityPeriod": "2009-07-03T12:08:56-07:00",
"additionalInfo": {
"acquirer": "gopay",
"items": [
"id": "susumaniskaleng",
"price": {
"value": "5000",
"currency": "IDR"
"quantity": "1",
"name": "HOLYCOW 1KG T-bone",
"brand": "Makan makan 1OMS ",
"category": "Food",
"merchantName": ""
"customerDetails": {
"email": "",
"firstName": "Budi",
"lastName": "Utomo",
"phone": "081223323423"
"metadata": {
"countryCode": "ID",
"locale": "id_ID"
Response Header
Field Name | Field Type | Mandatory | Field Description | |
Content-type | String | M | Media type of the resource, i.e. application/json | |
X-TIMESTAMP | String | M | Client’s current local time in ISO-8601 format |
Response Body
Field Name | Field Type | Mandatory | Field Description | |
responseCode | String (7) | M | Response Code (HTTP status code + service code + case code) | |
responseMessage | String (150) | M | Description of charge result response. | |
referenceNo | String (64) | O | Transaction identifier on service provider system. | |
partnerReferenceNo | String (36) | O | partnerReferenceNo from the request body | |
qrContent | String(512) | C | QR String MPM.
If qrContent is null, then qrUrl or qrImage must be filled. |
qrUrl | String(256) | O | QR URL for download QR Image | |
qrImage | String | O | base64 from image QRIS.
Max length is unlimited. |
merchantName | String(25) | O | Merchant name | |
storeId | String(64) | O | unique shop id on the merchant side. | |
terminalId | String(16) | O | Merchant terminal id | |
additionalInfo | Object | O | Additional information | |
additionalInfo.acquirer | Object | O | Acquirer chosen from request |
"responseCode": "2004700",
"responseMessage": "Request has been processed successfully",
"referenceNo": "2020102977770000000009",
"partnerReferenceNo": "2020102900000000000001",
"qrContent": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"qrUrl": "https: //qrurl?img=12345",
"qrImage": "TWFuIGlzIGRpc3Rpbmd1aXNoZWQsIG5vdCBvbmx5IGJ5IGhpcyByZWFzb24sIGJ1dCAuLi4=",
"merchantName": "Baso Malang",
"storeId": "abcd",
"terminalId": "213141251124",
"additionalInfo": {
"createdAt": {
"dateTime": "2023-07-10T02:50:45.623789",
"offset": {
"totalSeconds": 0
"zone": {
"totalSeconds": 0
"amount": {
"value": 5000,
"currency": "IDR"
"transactionType": "MERCHANT_TRANSACTION",
"recurring": false,
"merchantCrossRefId": "a78b46f8-cef0-4294-8f9c-5f1bff6a9995"
"acquirer": "gopay"
List of Response code
Response Code | HTTP Status | Description |
2004700 | 200 | Successful |
2024700 | 202 | Transaction still on process |
4004700 | 400 | General request failed error, including message parsing failed. |
4004701 | 400 | Invalid format |
4004702 | 400 | Missing or invalid format on mandatory field |
4014700 | 401 | General unauthorized error (No Interface Def, API is Invalid, Oauth Failed, Verify Client Secret Fail, Client Forbidden Access API, Unknown Client, Key not Found) |
4014701 | 401 | Token found in request is invalid (Access Token Not Exist, Access Token Expiry) |
4014703 | 401 | Token not found in the system. This occurs on any API that requires token as input parameter |
4034700 | 403 | Transaction expired |
4034701 | 403 | This merchant is not allowed to call Direct Debit APIs |
4034702 | 403 | Exceeds Transaction Amount Limit |
4034703 | 403 | Suspected Fraud |
4034704 | 403 | Too many request, Exceeds Transaction Frequency Limit |
4034705 | 403 | Account or User status is abnormal |
4034709 | 403 | The account is dormant |
4034714 | 403 | Insufficient Funds |
4034715 | 403 | Transaction Not Permitted |
4034716 | 403 | Suspend Transaction |
4034718 | 403 | Indicates inactive account |
4034719 | 403 | Merchant is suspended from calling any APIs |
4034720 | 403 | Merchant aggregated purchase amount on that day exceeds the agreed limit |
4034722 | 403 | The token limit desired by the merchant is not within the agreed range between the merchant and the Issuer |
4034723 | 403 | Account aggregated purchase amount on that day exceeds the agreed limit |
4044700 | 404 | Invalid transaction status |
4044701 | 404 | Transaction not found |
4044702 | 404 | Invalid Routing |
4044704 | 404 | Transaction is cancelled by customer |
4044708 | 404 | Merchant does not exist or status abnormal |
4044710 | 404 | Invalid API transition within a journey |
4044713 | 404 | The amount doesn't match with what supposed to |
4044717 | 404 | Terminal does not exist in the system |
4044718 | 404 | Inconsistent request parameter |
4054700 | 405 | Requested function is not supported |
4054701 | 405 | Requested operation to cancel/refund transaction Is not allowed at this time. |
4094700 | 409 | Cannot use same X-EXTERNAL-ID in same day |
4094701 | 409 | Transaction has previously been processed indicates the same partnerReferenceNo already success |
4294700 | 429 | Maximum transaction limit exceeded |
5004700 | 500 | General Error |
5004701 | 500 | Unknown Internal Server Failure, Please retry the process again |
5004702 | 500 | Backend system failure, etc |
5044700 | 504 | timeout from the issuer |