Create Payout

This API is for Creator to create a payout. It can be used for single payout and also multiple payouts.

  "payouts": [
      "beneficiary_name": "Jon Snow",
      "beneficiary_account": "1172993826",
      "beneficiary_bank": "bni",
      "beneficiary_email": "",
      "amount": "100000.00",
      "notes": "Payout April 17"
      "beneficiary_name": "John Doe",
      "beneficiary_account": "112673910288",
      "beneficiary_bank": "mandiri",
      "amount": "50000.00",
      "notes": "Payout May 17"
  "payouts": [
      "status": "queued",
      "reference_no": "1d4f8423393005"
      "status": "queued",
      "reference_no": "10438f2b393005"


Payout to e-wallet

Please use the e-wallet name as beneficiary_bank (gopay/ovo) and customer phone number as beneficiary_account.

HTTP Request

POST BASE_URL/api/v1/payouts

Request Parameters

beneficiary_namestring Name of the Beneficiary
beneficiary_accountnumber Account number of the Beneficiary, could be bank account number (for bank payout) or mobile phone number (starting with 62 or 08 without any special characters - for e-wallet payout).
beneficiary_bankstring Bank name used by the Beneficiary, including gopay and ovo for payout to e-wallet.
beneficiary_emailoptional string Valid Email address for Beneficiary
amountstring (numeric) Payout amount. Note: This is a Monetary Value, the decimal-fraction value must be equal to .0. Example: 10000, 10000.0, 10000.00.
notesstring Add a note to the payout , max 100 characters (unique is encouraged)
bank_account_idoptional Bank account ID registered in Payouts for facilitator model, can be accessed in Midtrans Dashboard in Bank Accounts menu. If not specified, then it will be picked based on beneficiary_bank == facilitator_bank OR if facilitator_bank supports SKN

Response Parameters

statusqueued : payout is waiting to be executed
processed : payout request is sent to the bank and completed
completed : payout request is sent to the bank and received by beneficiary account
failed : payout didn't go through
reference_nounique ID to identify the payout