Charge Transactions on Card

Charge method is triggered every time a transaction is performed. Send a Charge API request with payment details, transaction details, card details, customer details, item details, and shipping address. Successful request returns status_code:200.
The attribute that is used is dependent on the payment method desired.

Card Charge Request

{ "payment_type": "credit_card", "transaction_details": { "order_id": "C17550", "gross_amount": 145000 }, "credit_card": { "token_id": "< your token ID >" }, "item_details": [{ "id": "a1", "price": 145000, "quantity": 2, "name": "Apel", "brand": "Fuji Apple", "category": "Fruit", "merchant_name": "Fruit-store" }], "customer_details": { "first_name": "BUDI", "last_name": "UTOMO", "email": "", "phone": "+628123456", "billing_address": { "first_name": "BUDI", "last_name": "UTOMO", "email": "", "phone": "081 2233 44-55", "address": "Sudirman", "city": "Jakarta", "postal_code": "12190", "country_code": "IDN" }, "shipping_address": { "first_name": "BUDI", "last_name": "UTOMO", "email": "", "phone": "0 8128-75 7-9338", "address": "Sudirman", "city": "Jakarta", "postal_code": "12190", "country_code": "IDN" } } }
JSON AttributeDescriptionTypeRequired
payment_typeThe payment method used by the customer.
Value: credit_card.
Note: For any transactions using payment card (credit or debit), payment_type is credit_card.
String (255)Required
transaction_detailsThe details of the specific transaction such as order_id and gross_amount.ObjectRequired
credit_cardThe details of the payment card used for the transaction.ObjectRequired
item_detailsDetails of the item(s) purchased by the customer.ObjectOptional
customer_detailsDetails of the customer.ObjectOptional

Card Charge Response and Notifications

Sample Response

{ "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27", "order_id": "C17550", "gross_amount": "145000.00", "payment_type": "credit_card", "transaction_time": "2014-08-01 15:39:22", "transaction_status": "capture", "fraud_status": "accept", "masked_card": "48111111-1114", "status_code": "200", "bank": "bni", "status_message": "Success, Credit Card 3D Secure transaction is successful", "approval_code": "1408869563148", "channel_response_code": "00", "channel_response_message": "Approved", "currency": "IDR", "card_type": "credit", "on_us": true, "channel": "dragon", "expiry_time":"2014-08-09 15:39:22", "settlement_time":"2014-08-09 19:00:00" }
{ "status_code": "411", "status_message": "Token id is missing, invalid, or timed out" }
{ "masked_card": "48111111-1114", "approval_code": "T58755", "bank": "bni", "transaction_time": "2014-08-01 15:39:22", "gross_amount": "145000.00", "order_id": "C17550", "payment_type": "credit_card", "signature_key": "8d22a6b625f395a1a2cf0e62497e20be433cbad3e8a8ff36bf6b40dbd47308125ccda93546eab8a3acd91390155082658ac25b10a6294c6660642e43a5edc8bb", "status_code": "200", "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27", "transaction_status": "capture", "fraud_status": "accept", "status_message": "midtrans payment notification", "channel_response_code": "00", "channel_response_message": "Approved", "card_type": "credit", "on_us": false }
{ "masked_card": "48111111-1114", "approval_code": "338016", "bank": "bni", "transaction_time": "2014-08-01 15:39:22", "gross_amount": "145000.00", "order_id": "C17550", "payment_type": "credit_card", "signature_key": "763713b31cf59c886d3cc4a0c654a060a8e990080fe29fca75ae9e4ff9de804809c4e20977829844dac01a7ac1464a4eb095ad32482048398918987295dc5022", "status_code": "202", "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27", "transaction_status": "deny", "fraud_status": "accept", "status_message": "midtrans payment notification", "channel_response_code": "05", "channel_response_message": "Do not honor", "card_type": "credit", "on_us": true }
{ "masked_card": "48111111-1114", "approval_code": "315762", "bank": "bni", "transaction_time": "2014-08-01 15:39:22", "gross_amount": "145000.00", "order_id": "C17550", "payment_type": "credit_card", "signature_key": "393f8b6b27f9f6385d8391642942e9534fd20dad20c0631b75b0746bfc314482af4411c93e958b691a63e9154676905b906234d1f12fca031f5be5593f7ec2c6", "status_code": "201", "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27", "transaction_status": "capture", "fraud_status": "challenge", "status_message": "midtrans payment notification", "channel_response_code": "00", "channel_response_message": "Approved", "card_type": "credit", "on_us": false }
{ "masked_card": "48111111-1114", "approval_code": "131755", "bank": "bni", "transaction_time": "2014-08-01 15:39:22", "gross_amount": "145000.00", "order_id": "C17550", "payment_type": "credit_card", "signature_key": "49e158a0c3f1913eae0902875324075c562daa39b2824b865db2242adea247a228960d2f1002392fdbc29c3271c2bc78ba72e588db9047a82932d0615ddc811f", "status_code": "200", "transaction_id": "1a1a66f7-27a7-4844-ba1f-d86dcc16ab27", "transaction_status": "settlement", "fraud_status": "accept", "status_message": "midtrans payment notification", "channel_response_code": "00", "channel_response_message": "Approved", "card_type": "credit" }
JSON AttributeDescriptionType
transaction_idTransaction ID given by Midtrans.String
order_idOrder ID specified by you.String
gross_amountTotal amount of transaction in IDR. String
payment_typeThe payment method used by the customer.
Value: credit_card.
Note: For any transactions using payment card (credit or debit), payment_type is credit_card.
transaction_timeTimestamp of transaction in ISO 8601 format. Time Zone: GMT+7.String
transaction_statusTransaction status after charge card transaction. Possible values are
capture: Transaction is accepted by the bank and ready for settlement.
deny: Transaction is denied by the bank or FDS.
authorize: Card is authorized in Pre-authorization feature.
fraud_statusDetection result by Fraud Detection System (FDS). Possible values are
accept: Approved by FDS.
deny: Denied by FDS. Transaction automatically failed.
masked_cardFirst 8-digits and last 4-digits of customer's card number.String
status_codeStatus code of transaction charge result.String
bankThe name of the Acquiring Bank.String
status_messageStatus message describing the result of the API request.String
approval_codeApproval code. It can be used for refund. This does not exist on denied transaction.String
channel_response_codeResponse code from payment channel provider.String
channel_response_messageResponse message from payment channel provider.String
card_typeType of payment card used for the transaction. Possible values are credit, debit.String
on_usIndicate whether issuing and acquiring bank is the sameBoolean
channelThe name of the payment channel provider. More details on request and possible values are available on Card Feature: Specific Channel.String
expiry_timeFor regular card transactions (non-recurring, non-one-click, non-two-click token) and the 3DS redirect_url expires in 10 minutes. For authorized transaction expires in 8 days.String
settlement_timeCredit card settlement time refers to the duration it takes for a credit card transaction to be processed and transaction_status change to settlement.String

The transaction_status and fraud_status attributes are the two most important details received in the JSON response.

  • Transaction status capture and fraud status accept: Transaction successful.
  • Transaction status deny and fraud status accept,or deny : Transaction rejected by bank or by Fraud Detection System (FDS).
  • Transaction status capture and fraud status accept: Customer’s card has been charged and the amount is credited to your account. At this point, the payment process of a transaction is complete.
    Send the transaction status to the customer and also update the respective database. For example, you can mark if the respective order_id has been paid for.
    Login to MAP to see the detail of the transaction and the transaction status. Alternatively, check the transaction status using Get Transaction Status.

    By default, all card transactions from 00:00 until 23:59 are settled on the next day at 16:00. The transaction status is updated from capture to settlement. Midtrans also sends HTTP POST notification to the Notification URL configured on MAP.