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AI Assist (BETA)
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API References
Product Release Notes
Help Center (EN)
Pusat Bantuan (ID)
Account Overview
Built-in Interface (SNAP)
Getting Started
Integration Guide
Interactive Demo
Advanced Feature
Custom Interface (Core API)
Integration: Card Payment
Integration: Bank Transfer
Integration: E-Wallet
Integration: Over the Counter Payment
Integration: Cardless Credit Payment
Advanced Features
Native Mobile SDK (API Reference)
Payment Link
Payment Link via API
Install a CMS Plugins
Ecommerce Platform
Promo Management
Invoicing (NEW!)
Handle After Payment
Email Notification
HTTP(S) Notification / Webhooks
GET Status API Requests
Transaction Status Cycle
Dashboard Usage & Action
Receiving Your Fund as Payout
Technical Reference & Developer Tools
API Authorization & Headers
Testing Payment on Sandbox
Library & Plugins
Postman Collection
IP Addresses & API Domain
Error Code & Response Code
Switching to Production Mode
Account & Dashboard Usage
API Reference
Test Bank Accounts
Multi Layer Approval Feature
General Information
Security Information
3 Domain Secure (3DS)
Fraud and Dispute
Technical FAQ
General FAQ
GoPay QRIS POS Integration
Docs Changelog
Help Center
Getting Started
Introduction to Static QRIS
Introduction to Payment Link
Do I have to have a website to activate my Midtrans account?
What are the website or application criterias for registering a Midtrans account?
What are the legal documents required for Midtrans account registration?
How to register as Midtrans merchant?
Can I register as a merchant with legal entity (PT / CV) but the bank account is in my personal name or vice versa?
Can I charge service fees to my customers?
What is the applicable transaction fee for QRIS?
How much does Midtrans charge for its payment service?
Will I be charged for refunds for GoPay?
Manage Account
Difference between Merchant account and Partner account
Is it possible to login simultaneously using the same account?
How can I add new email accounts to the Merchant Administration Portal?
How do I change the email address associated with my Midtrans account?
Can I use one Midtrans account to manage multiple websites or businesses?
How do I migrate my account from Sandbox to Production?
Basic Knowledge
How to check Merchant ID (MID) on Midtrans Administration Portal (MAP)
Midtrans' notification features
Is there any restriction format for email parameter that being sent to Midtrans?
What is the difference between Payment Notification URL, Finish Redirect URL, Unfinish Redirect URL, and Error URL?
Do you provide logos for the all the payment types on Midtrans?
What’s the difference between Server Key and Client Key? How do I access them?
How does my payment page looks like?
Can we implement discount or voucher?
Payment Method
Payment Method Activation
Activation of payment methods that haven't been active yet
Payment Method Type
Which payment methods do Midtrans currently support?
Introduction to Card Payment processing
Introduction to Bank Transfer
One Click, Two Clicks, and Recurring Transaction
Introduction QRIS Payment
Introducing GoPay PayLater
QRIS Payment Method in Midtrans
Apps or partners that can be used for paying QRIS transaction in Midtrans
Differences in available payment methods between Individuals and Business Entities
How much does Midtrans charge for its payment service?
What is the applicable transaction fee for QRIS?
Will I be charged for refunds for GoPay?
Can I charge service fees to my customers?
Fund Withdrawal
Fund Withdrawal Information
When can I withdraw my transaction funds from Midtrans?
How can I have my money in my account (payout)?
Midtrans payment page display changes (SNAP)
Additional Requirements for Kredivo Integration
Core API
What is Core API? How to integrate Core API into my system?
Additional Requirements for Kredivo Integration (COPY)
Payment Link
Introduction to Payment Link
How can I modify my payment method lists view ?
Can I integrate your SDK using Cordova ?
For Directly Call Page feature, is there any example for all payment method?
How can I show just for one payment method?
How to enable log from SDK using code ?
Does Midtrans support Flutter, React Native, or other hybrid / non-native mobile framework?
Drupal 8
Easy Digital Download
Invoice Financing (BETA)
Invoice Financing (BETA)
Operational Activity
How to receive payments through Midtrans?
Can I receive payments using other currency than IDR?
Is there a minimum and maximum transaction value that I can charge with Midtrans?
Can all types of businesses accept payments through Midtrans?
How do I view and manage my transactions on Midtrans?
Can Midtrans process transaction amount with decimals?
Can I cancel a transaction that has been settled?
Is the funds transfer for Midtrans’ Bank Transfer payment method real time?
Bank Response Codes
Can I receive payments from a foreign issuing bank?
Default Expiry Time for Each Payment Method
Bank Transfer Instruction
How can I cancel a transaction?
Dashboard (Midtrans Administration Portal)
Merchant Administration Portal - Partner / Multi-outlet
Merchant Administration Portal - Unified Reporting: Menu Saldo / Pembayaran
Merchant Administration Portal - Unified Balance
How long will the transaction funds be credited to the cardholder after a refund?
Introduction to Refund
How can I refund transaction?
What payment method that have refund feature?
How to download Payout Report?
How can I get Daily Report?
How to download transaction reports from MAP?
How to extract Midtrans' Payout Report (7zip format)
Unified Report for Partner Merchant
Risk management
Merchant Protection
What is fraud?
Security System
How does Midtrans protect online businesses from fraud?
Are we completely protected from fraudulent transactions?
What is 3D-Secure?
How secure is my information (i.e. payments, customer details) in Midtrans’ system?
What is ECI on 3DS protocol?
How does Midtrans’ fraud detection system work?
Preventing Frauds with Fraud Detection System
FDS dan 3DS
Why was my customer's transaction rejected?
My customer's transaction was rejected due to `blacklisted` as the reason. What does blacklist mean?
My customer's card transaction was rejected by Fraud Detection System, how can I whitelist my customer's transaction?
What is Chargeback?
Registration Issue
I got error "phone number or email address has been taken", what should I do?
Why was my activation request rejected?
Things to consider to avoid problems during the account activation process
What if I don't have an ID/KTP?
Login Issue
How can I unlock my account?
Login problem with the message "This IP address is not in whitelist", what should I do?
Login issue due to 2FA code (Two-factor Authentication), what should I do?
Integration Issue
What does Do Not Honour (05) mean?
What does the error code 402 message “Merchant doesn’t have access for this payment type” mean?
Why did I not receive any HTTP notification from Midtrans’ system?
What does the error code 401 message “Access denied due to unauthorized transaction, please check client key or server key” mean?
What does error code 411 message “Token id is missing, invalid, or timed out” mean?
I got an error "failed to register transaction", what should I do ?
I just install the new version of ioS SDK, but it still show the old one. What happen ?
Why one-time-password (3D secure) page can't be open from my mobile application ?
Why I encounter `javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure` when trying to connect to Midtrans API ?
My mobile application fail to be redirected to GOJEK application, what to do?
Transaction Issue
Can I know the reasons why a transaction is DENIED?
Why transaction status is Pending/Failure, while the fund has been deducted?
Notification Issue
Why I can’t receive email from Midtrans?
Why did my customer not receive any email notification from Midtrans’ system?
What is the difference between Disbursement and Online Payments?
How to register for Disbursement?
I want to register for Disbursement, but I don't want to use Online Payments
Manage Account
I want to add a user to my Disbursement account, how do I do it?
How to reset Disbursement OTP?
How to request a Sandbox account for Disbursement?
How much do you charge for the Disbursement service?
Dashboard (Midtrans Administration Portal)
Merchant Administration Portal - Disbursement
Merchant Administration Portal - Disbursement Features
Cut-off time for Disbursement transaction
If there is a problem with my Disbursement transaction, what should I do?
I get the error message "OTP is invalid. Please enter correct password", what should I do?
Issue with Disbursement process, return error "Invalid Destination Account" message
Pusat Bantuan
Mulai Menggunakan
Pengenalan QRIS Statis
Pengenalan Payment Link
Apakah saya harus memiliki situs web untuk aktivasi akun Midtrans?
Apa saja kriteria situs web atau aplikasi untuk melakukan registrasi akun Midtrans?
Apa saja dokumen legalitas yang diperlukan untuk registrasi akun Midtrans?
Bagaimana cara mendaftar menjadi merchant Midtrans?
Dapatkah saya mendaftar sebagai merchant entitas berbadan hukum (PT/CV) namun akun bank atas nama pribadi atau sebaliknya?
Apakah saya dapat membebankan biaya layanan ke konsumen saya?
Berapa biaya transaksi untuk QRIS?
Berapa harga Midtrans payment service?
Apakah terdapat biaya yang harus dibayar pada transaksi refund GoPay?
Kelola Akun
Perbedaan antara akun Merchant dan akun Partner
Apakah login secara bersamaan menggunakan akun yang sama dimungkinkan?
Bagaimana cara menambahkan pengguna untuk login ke portal Midtrans Saya?
Bagaimana cara saya mengganti alamat email pada akun Midtrans Saya?
Apa saya dapat menggunakan satu akun Midtrans untuk beberapa website/bisnis?
Bagaimana cara memindahkan akun dari Sandbox ke Production?
Pengetahuan Dasar
Cara mengetahui Merchant ID (MID) pada Merchant Administration Portal (MAP)
Fitur notifikasi yang dimiliki oleh Midtrans
Apakah ada batasan format untuk parameter email yang dikirim ke Midtrans?
Apa perbedaan antara Payment Notifications, Finsih Redirect URL, Unfinish Redirect URL, dan Error Redirect URL?
Apa Midtrans menyediakan logo dari metode pembayaran yang tersedia di Midtrans?
Apa perbedaan dari Server Key dan Client Key? Bagaimana cara mendapatkannya?
Bagaimana bentuk dari halaman pembayaran saya?
Apakah saya dapat membuat sistem diskon atau voucher di eCommerce saya?
Metode Pembayaran
Aktivasi Metode Pembayaran
Aktivasi metode pembayaran yang belum aktif
Jenis Metode Pembayaran
Aplikasi atau mitra yang dapat digunakan untuk membayar transaksi QRIS di Midtrans
Metode Pembayaran QRIS di Midtrans
Perbedaan metode pembayaran yang tersedia antara Perorangan dan Badan Usaha
Apa itu GoPay PayLater?
Pengenalan metode Bank Transfer
Pengenalan alur pembayaran Kartu Kredit
Perkenalan pembayaran QRIS
Apa saja metode pembayaran yang disediakan oleh Midtrans?
Apakah saya dapat membebankan biaya layanan ke konsumen saya?
Apakah terdapat biaya yang harus dibayar pada transaksi refund GoPay?
Berapa biaya transaksi untuk QRIS?
Berapa harga Midtrans payment service?
Pencairan Dana
Informasi Pencairan Dana
Bagaimana cara mencairkan dana Saya?
Kapan Saya menerima dana transaksi dari Midtrans?
Informasi perubahan tampilan halaman pembayaran Midtrans (SNAP)
Persyaratan Tambahan untuk Integrasi Kredivo
Core API
Persyaratan Tambahan untuk Integrasi Kredivo
Apa itu Core API? Bagaimana cara mengintegrasikannya dengan tampilan bisnis saya?
Payment Link
Pengenalan Payment Link
Bagaimana cara Saya melakukan modifikasi terhadap tampilan metode pembayaran di aplikasi Saya ?
Apakah Midtrans mendukung penggunaan Flutter, React Native atau hybrid / non-native mobile framework lainnya?
Bagaimana cara untuk menampilkan log dari SDK dengan menggunakan code ?
Bagaimana cara untuk menampilkan satu metode pembayaran saja ?
Untuk fitur custom Directly Call Page, apakah ada contoh untuk semua metode pembayaran?
Apakah proses integrasi SDK Midtrans bisa menggunakan Cordova ?
Easy Digital Download
Drupal 8
Invoice Financing (BETA)
Invoice Financing (BETA)
Kegiatan Operasional
Instruksi Pembayaran Bank Transfer
Waktu Kedaluwarsa Default untuk Setiap Metode Pembayaran
Apakah saya dapat menerima pembayaran dari bank penerbit asing?
Kode Respon Bank
Apakah pengiriman uang via Bank Transfer Midtrans real-time?
Bagaimana cara membatalkan transaksi?
Apakah saya dapat membatalkan transaksi yang sudah settled?
Apa Midtrans dapat memproses transaksi yang menggunakan desimal?
Bagaimana cara Saya memeriksa dan memonitor transaksi di Midtrans?
Berapa jumlah transaksi minimal dan maksimal yang dapat diterima oleh Midtrans?
Apakah semua tipe bisnis dapat menerima pembayaran melalui Midtrans?
Apakah saya dapat menerima pembayaran dalam kurensi selain Rupiah (IDR)?
Bagaimana cara saya mulai menggunakan Midtrans untuk menerima pembayaran?
Dashboard (Midtrans Administrasion Portal)
Merchant Administration Portal - Saldo Gabungan: Menu Saldo / Pembayaran
Merchant Administration Portal - Unified Reporting: Menu Saldo / Pembayaran
Merchant Administration Portal - Partner / Multi-outlet
Refund (Pengembalian Dana)
Pengenalan Refund
Bagaimana cara melakukan refund transaksi?
Berapa lama uang akan kembali ke pelanggan setelah saya melakukan refund?
Metode pembayaran apa yang memiliki fitur refund?
Cara download laporan transaksi (transaction reports) dari MAP?
Cara mengekstrak Laporan Pembayaran Midtrans (format 7zip)
Bagaimana cara saya mendapatkan Daily Report?
Cara download Payout Report?
Report Gabungan untuk Partner Merchant
Manajemen Resiko
Perlindungan Merchant
Apa itu fraud?
Sistem Keamanan
Apa itu Chargeback?
Transaksi kartu customer saya gagal karena ditolak oleh Fraud Detection System, bagaimana cara melakukan whitelist terhadap transaksi customer saya?
Transaksi customer saya gagal dengan alasan blacklist. Apa yang dimaksud dengan blacklist?
Mengapa transaksi kartu kredit pelanggan saya tidak berhasil?
Mencegah Fraud dengan Fraud Detection System
FDS and 3DS
Bagaimana cara kerja sistem pendeteksi fraud Midtrans?
Apa itu ECI pada protokol 3DS?
Apakah informasi saya atau bisnis online saya (informasi pembayaran, detil pelanggan, etc.) aman di sistem Midtrans?
Apa itu 3D-Secure?
Apa kami terlindungi dari transaksi fraud?
Bagaimana cara Midtrans melindungi bisnis online dari fraud?
Penyelesaian Masalah
Kendala Pendaftaran
Bagaimana jika saya tidak memiliki KTP?
Hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk menghindari kendala saat proses aktivasi akun
Mengapa pengajuan aktivasi saya ditolak?
Saya mendapatkan error "phone number or email address has been taken", apa yang harus saya lakukan?
Kendala Login
Kendala login karena kode 2FA (Two-factor Authentication), apa yang harus saya lakukan?
Kendala login dengan pesan "This IP address is not in whitelist", apa yang harus saya lakukan?
Bagaimana Saya bisa membuka akun yang terkunci?
Kendala Integrasi
Aplikasi Saya tidak berhasil redirect customer ke aplikasi GOJEK, apa yang harus dilakukan?
Mengapa Saya mendapatkan pesan `javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Menerima peringatan fatal: handshake_failure` ketika mencoba untuk terhubung ke API Midtrans?
Mengapa halaman one time password (3D secure) tidak dapat dilanjutkan pada aplikasi Saya ?
Saya sudah melakukan instalasi terhadap versi terbaru dari SDK ioS, namun masih menampilkan versi yang lama. Apa yang harus Saya lakukan ?
Saya mendapatkan pesan error "failed to register transaction", apa yang harus Saya lakukan ?
Apa arti dari error 411 dengan pesan “Token id is missing, invalid, or timed out”?
Apa Arti Do Not Honour (05) ?
Apa arti dari error 401 dengan pesan “Access denied due to unauthorized transaction, please check client key or server key”?
Mengapa saya tidak menerima notifikasi HTTP dari sistem Midtrans?
Apa arti dari error 402 dengan pesan “Merchant doesn’t have access for this payment type”?
Kendala Transaksi
Mengapa status transaksi customer Saya Pending/Failure sedangkan dana sudah berkurang?
Apakah saya bisa mengetahui mengapa sebuah transaksi itu berstatus DENY?
Kendala Notifikasi
Mengapa saya tidak bisa menerima email dari Midtrans?
Mengapa pelanggan Saya tidak menerima notifikasi email dari sistem Midtrans?
Saya mau daftar Disbursement, tapi tidak ingin menggunakan Online Payments
Saya mau daftar Disbursement, bagaimana caranya?
Apa bedanya Disbursement dengan Online Payments?
Kelola Akun
Cara request akun Sandbox untuk Disbursement?
Bagaimana cara reset kode OTP Disbursement?
Saya ingin menambahkan user di akun Disbursement Saya, bagaimana caranya?
Berapa biaya yang dikenakan untuk layanan Disbursement?
Dashboard (Midtrans Administration Portal)
Merchant Administration Portal - Fitur Disbursement
Merchant Administration Portal - Disbursement
Waktu cut-off untuk transaksi Disbursement
Kendala pada proses Disbursement, pesan error "Invalid Destination Account"
Saya mendapatkan pesan error "OTP is invalid. Please enter correct password", apa yang harus dilakukan?
Ada masalah dengan transaksi Disbursement Saya, apa yang harus dilakukan?