GET Status API Requests

To get the status of a transaction, you can send a request to Midtrans API. It will then send back the transaction status. This method requires the transaction order_id (or transaction_id) as an identifier.


This retrieves the transaction details for a specified ORDER_ID.

Path Parameters

ORDER_IDThe order id or transaction id of the transaction you want to look up.

?> Note: You can also replace order_id used in API urls with transaction_id, which uniquely generated from Midtrans side and you received as response when creating transaction, and from HTTP Notification. This is useful if your order_id contains unusual character (such as #) that may result in an invalid URL pattern.

HTTP Headers

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Basic AUTH_STRING

AUTH_STRING: Base64Encode("YourServerKey"+":")



Midtrans API validates HTTP request by using Basic Authentication method. The username is your Server Key while the password is empty. The authorization header value is represented by AUTH_STRING. AUTH_STRING is base-64 encoded string of your username and password separated by colon symbol (:). For more details, refer to API Authorization and Headers.

Sample Request

curl --location --request GET '[ORDER_ID]/status' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic U0ItTWlkLXNlcnZlci1UT3ExYTJBVnVpeWhoT2p2ZnMzVV7LZU87'

In the above request, replace [ORDER_ID] with your Order ID or Transaction ID.



Each of the official Midtrans Language Library has status function to call Get Status API.

Sample Response

The sample response from [ORDER_ID]/status endpoint is shown below.

  "masked_card": "48111111-1114",
  "approval_code": "1578569243927",
  "bank": "bni",
  "eci": "05",
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "transaction_time": "2020-01-09 18:27:19",
  "gross_amount": "10000.00",
  "currency": "IDR",
  "order_id": "Postman-1578568851",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "signature_key": "16d6f84b2fb0468e2a9cf99a8ac4e5d803d42180347aaa70cb2a7abb13b5c6130458ca9c71956a962c0827637cd3bc7d40b21a8ae9fab12c7c3efe351b18d00a",
  "status_code": "200",
  "transaction_id": "57d5293c-e65f-4a29-95e4-5959c3fa335b",
  "transaction_status": "settlement",
  "fraud_status": "accept",
  "settlement_time": "2020-01-10 16:15:31",
  "status_message": "Success, transaction is found",
  "merchant_id": "M004123",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "three_ds_version": "2",
  "challenge_completion": true
  "masked_card": "52412500-0127",
  "approval_code": "T12345",
  "bank": "bni",
  "eci": "02",
  "point_balance_amount": "1644.00",
  "point_redeem_amount": 80000,
  "point_redeem_quantity": 26667,
  "channel_response_code": "00",
  "channel_response_message": "Approved",
  "channel": "dragon",
  "three_ds_version": "2",
  "transaction_time": "2023-11-20 07:30:03",
  "custom_field1": "TEST1",
  "custom_field2": "TEST2",
  "gross_amount": "410400.00",
  "currency": "IDR",
  "order_id": "TKP2453912939",
  "payment_type": "credit_card",
  "signature_key": "d60dc0a9c7c3cd5c20399d99d56968c241dbaacc26444c2eebc541d3b0fad594cefb50dd866a83089ecba785bd153ee95c03d81a35ccf82689b15d8f57bdbb80",
  "status_code": "200",
  "transaction_id": "0c8b481d-8b99-4c6a-b735-aec18be92f28",
  "transaction_status": "capture",
  "fraud_status": "accept",
  "expiry_time": "2023-11-20 07:40:03",
  "status_message": "Success, Credit Card transaction is successful",
  "merchant_id": "B200000000000001005476",
  "card_type": "credit",
  "challenge_completion": true



Please note that this is only a sample response, to let you know the general idea of this API action. Please expect that the actual API response may have slight variations (more/less JSON fields), depending on conditions (like different payment methods will have different fields, etc.). In the future, Midtrans can also add new JSON fields to enhance this API with more useful information.

The table given below describes elements in the response.

approval_codeThe approval code for the transaction.String
bankName of the bank through which the transaction was done.String
card_typeThe type of card used for the transaction.String
three_ds_versionThe version of 3DS used for the transaction, for Card payment. Example values "1" or "2"String
challenge_completionWhether the 3DS 2 challenge input was completed by customer, for Card payment. Example values true or false. Field may not exist if 3DS 2 challenge input was not prompted.Boolean
channel_response_codeThe response code from the payment channel.String
channel_response_messageThe response message from the payment channel is specified.String
currencyThe type of currency in which the transaction was done is shown here.String
eciThe 3D secure ECI Code for card transactionString
fraud_statusThe fraud status indicates if the transaction was flagged by the Fraud detection system. For more information, refer to Fraud Status.String
gross_amountThe total amount of transaction for the specific order.String
merchant_idThe merchant ID is shown here.String
masked_cardThe first six-digit and last four-digit of customer's credit card numberString
order_idThe specific Order ID.String
payment_typeThe type of payment used by the customer for the transaction.String
settlement_timeThe date and time of settlement of the transaction. The date is in YYYY-MM-DD form and the time is in HH:MM:SS form. The time zone is (GMT+7).String
signature_keyThis is generated by appending order_id, status_code, gross_amount, and Server Key into a stringString
status_codeThis is the status of the API call. For more information, refer to Status Codes and Error.String
status_messageThe status message is shown here.String
transaction_idThe specific Transaction ID.String
transaction_statusThe status of the transaction. For more information, refer to Transaction Status.String
transaction_timeThe date and time of the transaction. The date is in YYYY-MM-DD form and the time is in HH:MM:SS form. The time zone is (GMT+7)String
point_redeem_amountAmount redeemed in IDR.Long
point_redeem_quantityPoint representation of point_redeem_amount.Long
point_balance_amountBalance amount in IDR.Sring

Status Codes and Errors

Status CodeMessage
400Missing or invalid data.
401Authentication error.
404The requested resource is not found.

Sample Error Response

Sample error response is given below.

  "status_code": "404",
  "status_message": "The requested resource is not found",
  "id": "788e20d7-8fe7-4068-98a8-9bc4139bcd87"

Transaction Status

The following table describes the transaction status.

Transaction StatusFund ReceivedDescription
captureTransaction is successful and card balance is captured successfully.
If no action is taken by you, the transaction will be successfully settled on the same day or the next day or within your agreed settlement time with your partner bank. Then the transaction status changes to settlement.
It is safe to assume a successful payment.
settlementThe transaction is successfully settled. Funds have been credited to your account.
pending🕒The transaction is created and is waiting to be paid by the customer at the payment providers like Bank Transfer, E-Wallet, and so on. For card payment method: waiting for customer to complete (and card issuer to validate) 3DS/OTP process.
denyThe credentials used for payment are rejected by the payment provider or Midtrans Fraud Detection System (FDS).
To know the reason and details for the denied transaction, see the status_message in the response.
cancelThe transaction is canceled. It can be triggered by merchant.
You can trigger Cancel status in the following cases:
1. If you cancel the transaction after Capture status.
expireTransaction is not available for processing, because the payment was delayed.
refund↩️Transaction is marked to be refunded. Refund status can be triggered by merchant.
partial_refund↩️Transaction is marked to be refunded partially (if you choose to refund in amount less than the paid amount). Refund status can be triggered by merchant.
authorize🕒Only available specifically only if you are using pre-authorize feature for card transactions (an advanced feature that you will not have by default, so in most cases are safe to ignore). Transaction is successful and card balance is reserved (authorized) successfully. You can later perform API “capture” to change it into capture, or if no action is taken will be auto released. Depending on your business use case, you may assume authorize status as a successful transaction.

Fraud Status

The following table describes the fraud status.

Fraud StatusFund ReceivedDescription
acceptTransaction is safe to proceed. It is not considered as a fraud.
denyTransaction is considered as fraud. It is rejected by Midtrans FDS. FDS rejected transaction usually will not result in transaction_status: pending, capture, settlement.

The same status definition with notification applies.

Refund Details

When a payment transaction has any recorded refund history, the response of get-status API will also return the refund status details. For example:

  "refunds": [
      "refund_chargeback_id": 183700,
      "refund_chargeback_uuid": "21a2b0a9-a2a2-4ab1-8758-ae0477458f21",
      "refund_amount": "10000.00",
      "created_at": "2022-08-23 11:16:16",
      "reason": "Refund reason is defined by merchant when attempting the refund request",
      "refund_key": "2358b552-3e22-4611-8b92-956223d1c03f",
      "refund_method": "online",
      "bank_confirmed_at": "2022-08-23 11:16:16"
      "refund_chargeback_id": 183701,
      "refund_chargeback_uuid": "b1adbe80-84de-4aae-b567-9f5eba7c0414",
      "refund_amount": "15000.00",
      "created_at": "2022-08-23 11:16:21",
      "reason": "Refund reason is defined by merchant when attempting the refund request",
      "refund_key": "32705cff-8907-4f09-a712-1bcea6dafea2",
      "refund_method": "online",
      "bank_confirmed_at": "2022-08-23 11:16:21"
  "refund_amount": "25000.00"

Notable info:

  • Each unique refund attempt will be on its own refund object inside the refunds array.
  • Total refund amount will be available as refund_amount.
  • If you previously attempted to refund, then the attempt is shown on the get-status API response, it means Midtrans and/or Payment Provider has already acknowledged the refund request.
  • But if it’s not listed, it means your refund request has not been acknowledged, you can retry the refund request.

Other API Action / Method

Other API actions that you can perform to an transaction are listed in this section.